
Samsung confirms Android 5.0 Lollipop for the Galaxy Note 2


Samsung Galaxy Note 2 watermarked

Android 5.0 Lollipop is arguably the biggest update to hit the mobile OS since Ice Cream Sandwich. While you can expect most current flagships to receive the update in the coming months, legacy devices — those that launched back 2-3 years ago — are still up in the air.

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For anyone still hanging onto Samsung Galaxy S4 or Samsung Galaxy Note 2, new information provided on Samsung’s Finnish website is showing Lollipop will indeed arrive for these devices and while last year’s Galaxy S4 is a given, the 2+ year old Galaxy Note 2 is a little more surprising.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Android 5.0 Lollipop

Typically, OEMs only guarantee major software updates for devices up to 2-years old. Seems with the Note 2 — which we reviewed back in 2012 — Samsung is doing their users a solid by updating it to the latest version of Android (more than likely for the last time).

Of course, for those living in the US, updates like these are governed by carriers who will first need to extensively test the update before pushing it out on their network. Just something to keep in mind.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. my chromecast controller will love it.

    1. In Australia we are still waiting for Kit Kat for Note 2 newest ETA is Feb nearly a year after the Nordic phones got it. How good is Samsung Australia

      1. True ETA for Lollipop probably 2016 sadly.

  2. bout time they made this official. I knew my Note 2 would get the update, just was wondering how long it would take them to admit it.

  3. Interesting. I wonder if the S3 will also get it since they are still selling them.

    1. Planned obsolescence. Have you tried to custom ROM your phone?

      1. Of course. There are some unofficial cm12 builds but I haven’t tried any yet since they look buggy. But an official ROM would be great. It probably won’t happen but since the Note 2 is getting it and the 2 phones were released 4 months or so apart you never know.

      2. I’m not sure about that. I remember when I upgraded from Android Froyo to Gingerbread… I was like “that’s all?”… and the same thing from Gingerbread to Kit Kat. In all reality of most the stuff I use doesn’t change much from version to version. Mostly subtle enhancements. I think the S3 will be a fine phone for most people still…even if just on kit kat.

        1. But S3 (I9300) doesn’t even have Kitkat …

          1. In the United States the S3 has Kit Kat.

          2. You probably mean I9305 . The I9300 (which is the international version) doesn’t have it.

          3. The international version never got it because they only 1GB of Ram. The one in the United States has 2GBs of Ram. That the official story anyway. That sucks.

          4. Yes. That’s what Samsung said, but I’m sure that if they would have worked more on this, they would have succeeded making a Kitkat version.
            There were other Samsung devices that are newer but have about the same specs, that got Kitkat, so that’s a weird claim.

          5. I agree!

  4. Awesome!

  5. I don’t understand why a carrier needs to “extensively test” an update before releasing it to the customers. It simply doesn’t make any sense to me. I hardly see that they can test more than Google did. Maybe because of the crapware? Honestly could someone explain it?

    1. Its not so much the software side, its more the cellular radio and how the phone interacts with the network.

      Basically they are meant to confirm basic functions works like calling and texting etc. That said, even with all this testing screws up happen! Look at the HTC m7 update this week that killed voice calls for Australian users. Bad HTC.

  6. I can’t believe Samsung is upgrading the Note 2! They must be the first OEM to support a phone so old and give it such a major upgrade.

    1. Bet you it’ll take another 3-4 months before the updates come to the US, though.

    2. The Note 2 is still a very capable phone that can handle most apps and programs that get threw at it.

    3. I’m running lollipop on my Note 2 via CyanogeMod 12, and it runs VERY well. I can’t wait for an official release! (but please send the Note 4 an update first Sammy!)

      1. CM12 is out?! Official ?!

        1. Beta. You can find it on XDA. It’s obviously going to be closer to vanilla android than what Sammy will give us, but it’s pretty neat.

          1. I have SGS3, but it’s nice to see how well things are advancing.
            I’ve heard that CM12 was supposed to be out by the end of the month, but I don’t think they will make it.

          2. It’s fairy stable, but I’d imagine that most of the instability is from apps that haven’t updated to support 5.0 yet. I mean, everything seems to work the way it should. To be honest, if it offered multiwindow and better s-pen support, I’d opt for it over stock Touchwiz.

          3. Yes, that’s too bad indeed. I was hoping that Google would offer some multi-window support on Lollipop, now that they’re selling a phablet…

  7. Wil the s3 get it?

    1. mostly no.

    2. I have an S3 too, great phone, but that phone is a little too long in the tooth unfortunately.

  8. I figure I’ll start looking for my GS4’s replacement about 6-12 months after it gets 5.0. It’s the best phone I’ve ever had.

  9. Nice, this is why I support Samsung…because they support the customer. They’ve always given the customer SD cards and removable batteries, even when it looked like everyone else was going to rip off consumers by overcharging them for internal storage only.

    I hope the new S6 will offer SD cards and removable battery. Don’t cave in to stupid superficial reviewers who call plastic cheap, while they give up important functionality!! I prefer plastic as it’s more flexible than metal, lighter, easily replaced if needed, and above all offers removable battery and SD cards easily.

    Good job Samsung! You’ll keep getting my money because you support me.

  10. That’s awesome. Mind you, all Note 2 Telstra customers are STILL waiting for the 4.4 upgrade. Been pushed out to Feb 2015 now :-/

  11. why these websites making so much fuss about this.it is good thing if samsung is poviding update for the old phones.i carry note 2 & i am happy that samsung is doing this.

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