
Google Now will remind you when a product you’ve searched is at a nearby store


Google Now products card

The more “cards” Google keeps packing into their Google Now deck, the better. The latest comes by way of new “Product Cards” that alert a user when a product they’ve searched on Google is nearby.

Remember that Jawbone Jambox Mini you were researching the other day? Well, Google certainly does. And the next time you’re cruising past Target, Google will send you a friendly reminder with a picture of the product, along with its price at your nearest brick and mortar store. Of course, there’s no way for Google to know if the product is actually in stock. It’s up to you to make some kind of physical effort to either call in, or walk into the store for inquiry.

Last week Google Now introduced a handy new card that helps you remember exactly where you parked your car. Anything you’d like to see added in a future update?

Update on Google Play: Google Search

[via Google+]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Another thing I noticed is that if you have no internet connection it shows what you had the last time you were connected instead of the black cloud screen.

  2. Let me know when my hot pocket is done in the microwave while gaming on call of duty.

    let me know when public transportation is running late or alternate transportation routes.

    let me know when Justin Beiber gets deported

    let me know when Jordans are restocked at nearby stores

    let me know when Direct Deposit check has been deposited

    let me know about lunch specials during lunch hour near my work.

    let me know when my car is due for maintenance.

    let me know when my roommate is not home after I meet a girl at a kickback..

    let me know of retail deals on my favorite brands

    let me know when my roommate is about to return so I can speed things up with the girl I met at the kick back

    let me know when Jamie is working at PetSmart so I can go “buy dog food”.

    now, give me at least three out of what I listed..then I’ll be happy…..

    1. 3) If you choose to get updates about Justin Bieber in, it will tell you. I get updates about my favorite music artists.

      7) If you set up reminders on your maintenance schedule, it can.

      8) You can setup to see nearby friends… I guess that doesn’t count, though…

      9) That’s already there as well. You have to turn on the setting. To get updates about nearby sales.

      10) That goes back to nearby friend notifications

      11) She has to have Google+ set up.

      I tried. =.S

  3. Whooppee! This is so awesome!

    No it’s not really.

    When are we going to gets cards for sports other than football (real or american)?

    1. Did you ever choose your favorite sports team? I had cards for basketball only so I can understand the conversations people have.

  4. how do you get to the new where you parked your car card? I don’t see it listed anywhere, it doesnt’ look like mine has changed, can you force the update?

  5. how do you get to the new where you parked your car card? I don’t see it listed anywhere, it doesnt’ look like mine has changed, can you force the update?

    1. nevermind it finally updated

  6. Well this will be interesting since I was searching for fly girls last night…

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