
Sprint LG G2 now receiving Android 4.4.2 KitKat



There’s no denying that even with the new flood of 2014 flagships hitting this month, last year’s LG G2 is still a powerhouse. Recently, we saw both the AT&T and T-Mobile variants of the device receive Android 4.4.2 KitKat, with neither hide nor hair of the update for Sprint or Verizon. Today, it’s finally time for G2 owners on Sprint to join in on the festivities (sorry, Verizon).

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Rolling out to customers’ handsets starting today, Android 4.4.2 brings about a host of new additions like the full screen immersive mode, and countless under the hood improvements that typically arrive with major firmware updates. Because it could take a few days before your G2 actually prompts you when an update is ready, you can always manually check for an update on your LG G2 by jumping into your Settings app > System Updates > Update LG software > Check now button. Because, who wants to wait?

Once rebooted, you’ll now be enjoying the latest version of Android currently available and the peace of mind in knowing you’re part of the cool kids club. At least for now. Anyone grab the update yet? How’s it running so far on your G2?

[Sprint 1, 2]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

PSA: HTC One M8 performs factory reset after 10 unsuccessful tries to unlock it [VIDEO]

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  1. As long as we get it before Verizon, I’m good!

    1. you sound whiny.

      1. Nope just stating a fact

      2. You must have Verizon

  2. AT&T G2 user here saying… Welcome to the party ;) It works quite well, noticeable speed improvements and slight battery improvements at least on mine.

    1. What’s the biggest improvement?

      1. I would say that, anywhere there was even a hint of stutter or lag before is gone now. ALSO the biggest improvement is if you are a gamer, they seem to have edited the thermal properties of the GPU and CPU, it no longer gets hot and starts lagging. I can play games for an hour plus with no lag or heat, and because of the lack of heat the battery holds up much better under strain.

        1. Man, I’ve been suffering from the heating issues with my G2 when playing games or watching HD movies. So the latest 4.4.2 kitkat resolves this matter? That’s about the only thing I hate about the G2 where my hand gets uncomfortably numb.

          1. Yeah, at least on my device it no longer heats up, I play a LOT of games on my phone too lol

  3. Mine is not updating……woe is me!

    1. They’re going to take their time, it comes out In waves

    2. With AT&T I was able to call and have them push the update, my excuse being that I was going to be on the road and wanted to update while on WiFi

  4. Here with my Verizon LG G2, everything is going exactly as expected. Luckily though, the phone works so well with 4.2, and 4.4 doesn’t offer a whole lot that I care about. So the wait doesn’t bother me… much.

    1. there’s been a near-final version of kit kat found for the vzw g2 and apparently its very smooth and response time is noticeably improved. it’s on xda.

  5. I have yet to receive the update Sprint in swfl

    1. Obviously your phone has AIDS

  6. **You can manually force the update by going to apps, all apps, go to Google Services Framework and clearing all data. Then go to update LG software. It should say 1969. Hit check now. If it doesnt appear, try going back and deleting the data from Google Play Services and try again. I did it about 10 times before it appeared. Good luck.

    1. Worked great! I only had to do it 3 times.

    2. worked for me as well about 5-7 tries

    3. I did it at least 10 times and nothing has come through

    4. It showed up on the second try! I appreciate the help!

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