
Google showing off new Glass apps at SXSW


Google is in Austin having a good time this week, it seems. After showing off a pair of (non-serious) smart shoes, the company decided to jump into some much more serious (yet still fun) affairs it’s been working on. Google toted Glass along for the ride, and it had some new apps to show off to the crowd attending.

Folks got a sneak peak at a New York Times app that would deliver headlines, a byline, and an image whenever you ask for news. Users can then “tap” on that story and have it read to them. The app could eventually deliver breaking news updates right to your iris as it happens — it’s like a nice, convenient propaganda tube attached right to your brain!

Google also seems to have had a Gmail app on hand, though we’re not quite sure of its function just yet. For this app, new emails will show the subject line and the email sender, and once an email is read users can reply to it using voice dictation. Other apps teased  were Skitch, Evernote and Path.

We obviously won’t know quite how awesome or well these apps work until we have a pair on for ourselves, but it sounds like Glass is attracting a lot of big names and we can’t wait to see just how connected and app-ready it will be once Google soft launches them later this year.

[via Engadget]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Q1 2013 is coming to a close soon. Let’s hope we have Glass by the end, or at least a shipping date.

  2. My brain hurts!

    To many ads from Google.

  3. Just commenting on the caption by NDT….is anyone saying that science isn’t vital?? lol.

    1. Neil!

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