
Android 4.2.2 is now available for the Nexus 4, ready to download for the impatient


After a successful rollout for its Nexus brothers and sisters, it appears the Nexus 4 is now set to receive its taste of Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. While the 4.2.2 update, for the most part, addresses bug fixes for things like Bluetooth audio streaming and even small UI tweaks, it does look like the update manages to kill off that limited LTE functionality devs found hidden inside the device. Bummer.

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Those of you that hate waiting around for these pesky updates to hit your device can manually download the 51MB update direct from Google. Providing you have a completely stock device, updating the manual way should prove relatively easy for those that are comfortable with these sorta things (no root necessary). Have fun and godspeed.

[Google | AnandTech]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Will it take away root if I flash it?

      1. I’ll look into that, thanks.

    1. it will not. i just flash it and i still have the root acces

      1. I thought so too, but going into terminal emulator and typing su showed that it was the appearance of root access, not the real deal. Easy to get it back with the supersu zip file.

    2. Yes it would, but it’s as simple to get it back as ever. Boot into fastboot mode, connect the phone to a PC, and use fastboot.exe on the PC to boot it into cutom recovery. Then flash the root zip file, and you are back on as superuser.

      1. I tried to flash the ota but it failed. I’ve been out of the root loop for a while, so could you point me in the direction that explains fast boot and how to flash files with it? Thanks

  2. No thanks, I’ll wait for PA. Screw giant screen hogs (buttons and the status bar).

    1. Love me some Paranoid Android.

  3. I see that it’s 4:20 in the screenshot.Trying to tell us something?

    1. Thats the official google screenshot/picture of the N4… so i guess google is trying to tell us something.

      1. Yes, they’re trying to tell us that it launched with Android 4.2.

        Seriously, it’s a pattern. They’ve been doing it since the Nexus S.

  4. hey Chris why did you choose the droid DNA instead of a nexus device?

    1. “I wanted a bigger screen, higher res-display, SLCD3, wide angle front facing camera and awesome quality rear facing camera? O_o”

      1. Damn, you’re good.

      2. Better screen but half the battery life. Also who puts a power button on the top of a 5 inch phone. HTC sense and verizon bloatware means you need to flash a custom ROM or see your 16gb sink to 11gb. Also HTC are rarely quick with updates. Great screen but too many compromises.

  5. Just got it for my nexus 10, hopefully fixes the reboot issue.

  6. Another update while my One X gets ignored by at&t!

    1. LOL! You chime in with that on every phone update xD

      1. Yeah man…….I think it’s ridiculous that at&t is holding this update from us just to get the One X+ to sell. I mean………I can learn to root and install Viper but it looks to damn confusing that I don’t even know where to start.

  7. Google, Y U take away my theoretical access to LTE?

    1. If you are somebody who is into the whole rom thing, I doubt this will be a huge issue. Im sure some dev somewhere will manage to cook up a 4.2.2 rom with LTE enabled.

      1. Apparently you don’t even need a custom ROM. You can just flash the previous baseband.

  8. out of all the Nexus update, 4.2.2 was perhaps the fastest i ever seen rolled out between the current generation and previous generation (Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7(Wifi/3G), Nexus 10, Nexus 4). It only took less than a week to release all the updates. Google is getting better at this me think.

  9. hi @Gamercore:disqus
    did you notice these things after updating to 4.2.2
    1) while downloading or updating the app when you pull down the notification tray to see the progress and tap on the app it do nothing but in the previous version when you tap it it opens the play store.
    2) in previous version it was possible to adjust the ringer volume without unlocking the device i.e without slide to unlock but now it is mandatory to slide unlock

    I found these things a step backward and quite annoying

  10. Just received OTA update. Installing now.

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