
Have ICS? You can get Google Sound Search now (unofficially)


Want to get your hands on Google’s new Sound Search, that was announced at I/O alongside Jelly Bean? You can, as long as you’ve got ICS, thanks to a developer over at XDA. It’s not completely straightforward, as you need to push two files via ADB, but as long as you have the Android SDK installed and have rooted your device, you should be able to get your hands on the widget (yep, it’s only a widget).

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A little more info on Sound Search: it’s along the lines of Shazam and SoundHound, helping you identify songs quickly, right from your home screen. Once it does so, it tells you the name and brings you the price of the song on Google Play. Unfortunately, being in India, I don’t have access to the final bit, but it’s definitely a quick way to get identify the song. I’ve been using Shazam until now, and I’ll probably end up continuing to do so since it stores the songs it has identified in a list, that I can retrieve later. However, for those purchasing music from Google Play, it’s definitely a useful tool.

[XDA via Droid Dog]


Raveesh Bhalla

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  1. I’m sure I’m not the only one who clicked this thinking this was the new Voice Search/Google Now :(

    1. No, you are not the only one… I read the title again after the “yep, it’s only a widget”… :)

    2. I can only say I wish that had been ported over, too. Anyhoo, it’s just been a couple of days since the devices were given away, we could see Now on ICS pretty soon.

    3. what the heck is sound search?

      1. As mentioned in the second para:

        A little more info on Sound Search: it’s along the lines of Shazam and SoundHound, helping you identify songs quickly, right from your home screen. Once it does so, it tells you the name and brings you the price of the song on Google Play.

      2. The audio equivalent of Google Goggle heh.

    4. I just installed it, and it IS THE NEW GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH, apparently. I just tried telling it to send a text, and it did, indeed, open up a text dialogue to the correct person. Or perhaps I’m just confused and I had this functionality all along??

      1. Haha…. You’re totally out of the loop. You’ve had that for a while now.

  2. Haha. Even I clicked the link thinking it was about Google Now. :-|

  3. How long before Apple sues?

    1. LOL. You just made my day

    2. Don’t joke like that! They probably will.. :P

  4. haha it works great. if you go to the link you can get the apk. AWESOME. light and just as useful as shazam

  5. If this did lyrics like Sound Hound then I could get rid of Sound Hound. Till then I prefer Sound Hound.

  6. There is also a link for non-root users. Works great on my RAZR MAXX ICS. Funny thing is, thursday me and some friends were just talking about why Google Music does not have this feature built in. I guess this is close enough. I would like to have a 1×1 icon though, so I can stack it with my Soundhound and Shazam icons.

  7. hopefully it gets better. it doesnt match songs often with obscure tracks and especially foreign ones yet, even though shazam/sound hound does. That and expand capability to hum tune or say lyrics and it will totally replace the third party apps. Until then…

  8. I’ve yet to find an app/widget that recognizes dubstep. Considering 98% of my songs are dubstep/drumstep and SoundHound can only recognize around 0.5% of them, I really hope Google Sound Search works for me.

    1. At this point I wouldn’t get your hopes up. As far as “tagging prowess” goes in my experience it goes like this from best to least: SoundHound, Shazam, TrackID, Sound Search.
      Though I wouldn’t be surprised if Google Sound Search becomes the best, surpassing SoundHound. It just seems like something they could do easily given their background in search engines and the size of their budget.

      Here’s hoping that it can tag Dubstep for you in the future!

  9. Quite greedy of Google to not just release a new Google Search app with all the new features.

  10. I found it to be way too slow. Shazaam takes a couple of seconds while sound search took like 15 seconds and didn’t identify the song. I’m sure they’ll improve it but for now i’m sticking with shazaam.

  11. just to clarify…..sound search on Jelly Bean is only a widget as well. I went digging through after I read this article. There is no app just the widget.

  12. Anyone wanna tell me why this doenload link DOESN’T take me to anything I can download other than some stupid ass video player??? What the F AndroidSpin, why don’t you try proof reading this carp before you post it!

  13. WTF is Sound Search?

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