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All New Design: Do You Like It?


You may have noticed that things look a little bit different around these here parts. We’ve completely redesigned  both Phandroid and Android Forums and hope you enjoy them. You’ll notice a much more modern, sleek look with a new logo and cleaner UI.

Check out the navigation. We created what we call a “power nav” that allows you to dive deeper into the site with a single click. There are so many interesting areas of Phandroid discussing different topics, but it was difficult for users to find some of our best stuff without a more sophisticated navigation. We hope this will be easier and more helpful for newcomers and loyal readers alike.

We’ve not stopping here. There are a BUNCH of new features in the works, including two new site sections that unfortunately slipped past our launch deadline. Stay tuned for them. And please… share your thoughts in the comments so we can continue to improve and tweak what we’ve got.

Hopefully you’re enjoying all our Google IO 2012 Coverage on the new site!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Pretty awesome!

  2. Meh, let me check it out for a few days, and I will let you know.

  3. It’s a lot easier to see all of the content, the old design felt awfully constrained.

  4. Love it!

  5. niicee.!

  6. i really like it so far

  7. definitely love it, sexy lol ;)

  8. Worlds better, so much less clutter.

  9. great redesign, love it!

  10. A lot cleaner…and definitely more eye catching.

  11. Really clear, modern, stylish. Actually really surprised. I think you couldn’t have made it any better. Love the site. Keep it up!

  12. IT’s a huge step forward!

  13. Great!!!! Timely launch with Google IO

  14. please restore dates to the headline articles as well as the time stamp. Makes for much easier tracking

      1. I don’t use the site. When/how will this affect the app?

  15. I was a bit surprised and reloaded the page but love it! :)

  16. Dig the new Logo !

  17. I guess I’ll be the odd man out and say I prefer the old Phandroid. It was easier on the eyes and loaded faster.

  18. IT LOADS FASTER!!! For me anyways! Great start on the new design!!

  19. Visually appealing and smart about the layout of the content… It’s a win

  20. Looks great, Roboto has really grown on me.

  21. I do like the new jquery UI nav, and the site overall is much cleaner. Did you try any slight gradients in the tabs? Maybe my design eye is behind the times, but I still think a little bit – even an understated, flat, two-tone ‘gradient’ looks a little nicer…

  22. 1000% better. Thank you.

  23. Mostly like it but….Story text seems to stay the same size even if I zoom on the page in Windows 7. Bit annoying. Also the pop-in menu’s are a little distracting. Sorry, love phandroid but not all the changes are welcome for me.

  24. It is great. Noticed it immediately. Good show!

  25. Love it, looks very professional in comparison to the old.

  26. better except for the creepy logo….

  27. this is definitely better

  28. yes

  29. Very good. Love it. congrats

  30. Yeah, its very appealing. Great job.

  31. Great job! keep this site very simple. Simple to navigate and simple to read. But keep your articles as good as they always are!

  32. Way better.

  33. I really like it!!! Rob you da man!! GO RAVENS!!

  34. Better than the verge. looks like a tornado hit that site.

  35. Nice

  36. Now THIS is an improvement! Gawker has been ruining their sites in the name of improvement for years! I’m pleased with the new interface. Keep up the good work!

  37. Fix the old Google +1 button in the top right corner, then I’ll like the website.

  38. I dig it!

  39. Could be better, but the new design is much better than the previous one.

  40. Font looks easier to read. Looks like more room was made to have more articles per page, but not enough dividing lines, making it look cluttered

  41. The design is much cleaner but my biggest problem with the site’s design, old and new, are the photo galleries. Each photo has to be opened separately. So I never look at images on this site, its very unusable.

  42. Way cleaner! Love it. Bravo and high fives all around!

  43. I think its fugly, and would prefer the comments to run along the side of the page rather than at the bottom. And the logo is horribleeeeee

  44. Much much better now.

  45. yea much easier on the eyes. simple clean

  46. Love it, feels like ICS task manager.

  47. This was expected. This new look blends in with Android and loads much faster. Great job!

  48. Really good look and feel

  49. Font really sucks. Please use standard fonts.

    1. It’s really freaking small font too!

  50. It’s great. Cut out all of the clutter and looks excellent on a tablet (ASUS Transformer Prime)

  51. The app isn’t working very well. It doesn’t like to load articles sometimes and I have to force close and restart the app. It also just force closes on its own and I gotta go thru that whole process again. Also, the Share button doesn’t share anything. When u pick Facebook for example, all that pops up is a blank post.. What’s being shared doesn’t come up at all.

    1. Now as far as the Desktop version now that I’m on it.. it seems like it’s way better as far as it being compatible with the new Disqus. I can see ppl’s whole comments now where before the right side of the comment field was cut off (this is my work computer mind you and they like to block stuff here).

      1. I am noticing some lag though..

  52. Very nice!

  53. great job and the timing was a nice surprise as well.

  54. I like the old one a lot better.

  55. LOVE the new look!

  56. looks nice

  57. Love the new site design.


    Clicking CONTACT does nothing for me (Chrome 21), so, can’t tip stories either

  58. A lot better.

  59. The site’s layout is better, but that green/blue color pairing is pretty bad. Also, I thought you were getting a new site logo…

  60. Hey Hey, I can buy that…. Very clean.

  61. Yes your website looks classy finally!

  62. I think the redesign is awesome. Much more streamlined and svelte. Can a website be svelte?

  63. like…… actually I love it, it’s excellent and easy to read. awesome job guys

  64. love it mate

  65. Please have a dark version (i.e. dark bg with white text) because I can imagine the burn in my eyes when reading Phandroid at night, or in the dark.

    In fact, I hope every site does this because dark bg with white text feels much easy on the readers’ eyes.

  66. Great new look…way more professional design. Good job.

  67. I like it. Incorporate some ICS Galaxy Nexus themes and I think it would be even better. Great job.

  68. its awesome..but could you incorporate the forums….

  69. When I pulled up my first reaction was, “aww, crap. they’ve redesigned the site.” Then I actually looked at what has been redesigned. I like it.

  70. I like it. Just make sure not to make too busy.

  71. Site is fine, a few nice touches. Article font is terrible though. Is as if the entire article was written in bold text.

  72. Definitely better, I’m liking the cleaner look. But I’ll have to agree with the guy who said the logo is creepy.

  73. the design is ok but the eye-searing whiteness of the background makes it painful to read the text :(

  74. Don’t really like the line spacing and text size in articles, personally…

  75. definitely definitely definitely change the font

  76. The wink looks kinda creepy.

  77. yep, like.

  78. nice, but the buttons to like tweet +1 share etc… above are jumpled, share is underneath Phoecesbook…so you cannot press “share”

  79. Great design, much better. I like the logo but did prefer the version that was shown a while back without the curly antenna.

  80. Looks more professional. . . but is that a good thing? Feels like its lost a little bit of its warmth. But you can’t have it both ways I guess.

  81. Much better than the old layout.

  82. Two thumbs up!

  83. I am getting alot more errors when trying to load news articles. Two in three tries, usually just have to back up and reload but still annoying.

    1. Yep we’re dealing with a little bit of an optimization bug. Working on it but thanks for the heads up… much appreciated!

  84. Like it

  85. Gay sorry

  86. Looks Great, Better flow. Nice work!!!

  87. the new design looks nice, but could you please enable resizing the site?
    so including the font

  88. Looks good, it’s easier to read since it’s now lighter!! :) well done!

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