
HP Releases Android Source Code For HP TouchPad To CyanogenMod Team


Remember back when a few HP TouchPads shipped to some customers with Android pre-installed on the device instead of WebOS? HP vehemently denied any knowledge of how, or why, the OS got on there in the first place. Well, as it turns out — it was HP. The whole time. Yup.

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Well, the fine folks over at HP have finally come clean and in doing so, they’ve released that original Android source code for the tablet to the CyanogenMod team to tinkering around delve into. That means, with the elusive kernel source, Android development on the tab should pick up steam and more stable Android ROMs are sure to follow.

If you thought all the mysteries behind the Android HP TouchPads have been uncovered, there’s still a few questions left unanswered. For one, it appears that HP had a separate team working on an Android port for the TouchPad the entire time, working simultaneously as the WebOS team. Could this mean HP had originally planned to ship the tabs with Android after their purchase of Palm? Perhaps, for whatever reason, they decided against, instead banking on WebOS? No one knows for sure, but one thing is certain: the plot thickens… (cue eerie X-Files music).



Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Interesting

  2. holy crap! yes!

  3. It’s gestures like this that give me some faith in tech manufacturers!

  4. I should’ve bought that touchpad.. tsk..

    1. Yeah, it ended up being a $100 ICS tablet for me. Love it.

  5. shoulda gone with android from the start

  6. It just sucks that they lied to everybody that worked on the port. Their jobs would have been MUCH easier if it weren’t for their lies.

  7. I think we’re looking for the word “cue” at the end there, with regard to starting the music, unless there’s already some prearranged music queued and you want to add another to the ordered list. stupid english language

  8. And my touchpad gets delivered today. How awesome is that!

  9. ” …to tinkering around delve into.”


  10. WOW, why would they pull some shit like that? Should of released Droid. This should teach them a lesson! Always go with your First Instinct HP! lolly


    1. Really?  Release a motorola phone instead of their tablet?   Interesting take. ;)

      1. Ok so I took the AN off of DROID! DOUCHER! I said I wish HP would of just sent out the Touchpad with ANDROID on it….DICKLESS!

  11. Does this mean that the camera and other bugs should be easier to iron out?  I am so looking forward to this.

  12. Unpopular opinion time!

    I’ve got a touchpad, and I’m dual-booting Android and WebOS. Here’s the thing that gets me. I have always been a bit of an Android fanboy. I was on the G1 the week it came out. But having played around with WebOS on this thing, I’m a bit torn. I find myself running WebOS more than Android on it. If there were more apps (seriously I think there are like 100 max compared to android’s hundreds of thousands), I don’t think I would ever use my ICS dual-boot. WebOS gets a lot of flack, and honestly, I think it’s why the tablet failed… but it’s actually a REALLY slick and intuitive OS. I still vastly prefer Android on my phone, but for a tablet WebOS is really nice.

    Still, no apps for it really, so I’m VERY glad to have my ICS alpha to accompany it.

    1. I believe its a very good looking, smooth OS, but seems to lackso many features that CM9 has. Im loving my ICS on my touchpad:)

    2.  MWFish, I totally agree.  I too have a touchpad.  I also have had iPad and an  android tablet.  WebOS is such a pleasure to use in almost every sense. I too wish there were more apps for it though, and not just a thousands of tip-calculators found in App-Market and iTunes.

  13. I think it’s cause Android is merging the code with Linux kernel and WebOs is Linux based. Probably WebOs will merge in Android and viceversa.
    Soon Bada and MeeGo will merge to Android too….something big is happening with the Tizen project by Linux Foundation.

  14. More stable ROMs?   I’ve been running Bricked ICS for weeks.  CM9 Alpha before that.  Neither perfect but neither have been unstable in my experience.  Not saying it’s not a good thing but it’s not as if people going down the available path have been disappointed.  .  

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