
PowerAMP Celebrates New Version 2.0 Of Their Hit Music Player With Twitter Contest


Max MP is celebrating the release of PowerAMP 2.0 by throwing a contest on their brand spankin’ new Twitter account. If you haven’t heard of PowerAMP, it’s arguably the most popular and full featured music player in the Android Market. Offering full control of EQ settings, crossfading, stereo “eXpansion,” lyrics support, scrobbling and a wide array of visual themes to customize the look of the player however you like — PowerAMP just about does it all.

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The contest is set to begin on Friday, December 30th at 12PM CT and will end on Sunday, January 1st 12AM CT. So what’s up for grabs? Fittingly, a 32GB micro SD card will be given out to music lovers (US only for now) for storing their entire music library (or caching it if you stream it). The PowerAMP team also promises to have more fun contests and prizes in the future. So, make sure to follow PowerAMP on Twitter and keep an eye out for the details on how to win. Good luck!

[PowerAMP Twitter | Market Link]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. CC! In the second sentence you forgot to put “heard” after “haven’t”. Just thought I’d point it our real quick before a troll does. And thanks! I’ll enter the contest. Also, do you own PowerAmp? I’ve always wanted to get it…. But never really use the Music Player on my phone too much to really need it. What do you think of it? 

    1. This comment will be deleted and no one will be none the wiser O_o

      Oh, and I’m more of a “stream my music from the cloud” kinda guy so I use Google Music. =p

      I wish Google would release some kinda API that would allow other music players (like PowerAMP) to stream your music but I’m sure that’s because of a DRM issue with that…

      1. Haha! 

        Yeah that would be awesome… I guess I’ll stick with Google Music then! 

      2. Google Music doens’t use any drm as far as I’m aware of. The more likely reason is the self serving reason of they want people to use their app that use their service.

        I like the player but it could use some more features.

  2. Wasn’t PowerAMP 2.0 released over a month ago? BTW it was my first paid app and I’ve never regretted it!

    1. Dec. 10th. But they’re promoting it now with a twitter contest =)

      1. Chris, who won the last Holidroid contest?

  3. PowerAmp is such a fantastic player.  There few if any negatives to say about it.

  4. Well, at 5 bucks for it I will just use the standard music player.  Maybe Amazon will release as a free app of the day.

    1. Try out Cloudskipper. Best damn music player on the market, not to mention that it’s free!

      1. Thanks, I think I might give it a try.

    2. Honestly it’s worth the $5, especially if you are listening through headphones.

  5. What a lovely way to welcome 2012! Happy New Year everyone :)

  6. I loved PowerAMP, but I enjoy streaming my music via Google Music.. If only PowerAMP could stream my Google Music.. THAT would be awesome.

    1. The first dev to figure out how to integrate GMusic functionality into their music player will crush the competition at least for a while…if that sort of integration is even possible.

  7. Go in astro under the folder android in there is where you can find the cache Google music stores so you can play your cached music out of power amp. I love power amp easily my most favorite app.

  8. Power Amp is one of the Best audio apps out there!

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