
Yes, You Can Even Use Android To Control Your Christmas Lights And Sync To Music [Video]


A fun little video just came our way to help spread along the holiday cheer. If you’ve ever wondered just how flexible Android’s Open Accessory platform (ADK) can be, this video shows if you combine an Android tablet with Google’s ADK, you can make your very own fully controlled Christmas light show.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The project was born during a coding session for Auckland GTUG — a user group for developers who like to meet up and share not only their knowledge but a love for all things Google and Android tech related.

In the video, an Acer Iconia Tab (A500) is used in conjunction with Google I/O’s ADK board, to control 9 different channels of Christmas lights, synching them on and off with the music being played. Nothing groundbreaking but still very cool and of course, very festive.

If you’re interested in learning more, drop Auckland GTUG a line on their Google+ page here.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. don’t tell me that won the ornament contest… =p

  2. That’s pretty  cool

  3. That is really cool. Phones have gotten to the point where they can basically do.. Anything.

    Hey, Chis, do you know around when I should expect the prizes? I was asked for my PayPal account for the Galaxy Nexus, but I haven’t heard anything since then. I won December 9th’s contest, but I also talked with Cyber Monday’s (November 28th’s) winner, and he said he has yet to receive anybody his prizes.

    1. Yeah, I have no clue when they ship everything out. I just got a package after 7 days that was supposed to take 3 days to ship.
      Christmas season makes it pretty crazy right now but I know a lot of people are getting their stuffs (I see the emails all the time). You’ll get it — don’t worry. =)

      1. Alright, thanks for the response! I guess I’m just a little confused as to how the whole Galaxy Nexus system works. Do they transfer money to the account and just let the winner purchase it, or?…. I’m not really sure why else they wold need the account, especially just for that one item.

        Thanks again for answering. (:

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