
HTC Amaze 4G Gets Maintenance Upgrade for WiFi Calling and Bugs


Your stock HTC Amaze 4G should be bugging you soon regarding an upgrade as T-Mobile and HTC have issued an OTA upgrade that adds and fixes things. The most notable addition is WiFi calling, something we were surprised to see was not included with the device – we’re glad it’s here now, anyway. Be sure to check your phone’s software update menu and don’t be alarmed if it comes up with zilch just yet. [T-Mobile via TmoNews]

New Features

    • IMS Wi-Fi Calling
    • Google Music


    • Improvements to Bluetooth connection
    • Clock widget not updating with time zone change
    • Improvement to Twitter and Peep application
    • Improved Wi-Fi connection
Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. They can issue an update to improve Bluetooth on the Amaze, but don’t give a damn about the myTouch4G. Gingerbread update killed my Bluetooth and they want to replace my phone with a pink sidekick. Assholes.

  2. And where is wifi calling for the galaxy S2?

  3. Seeing as it is taking forever to get the Galaxy Nexus out for GSM in the US, I’m actually looking at this phone instead. Wi-fi calling would be nice.

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