
Come And Get ‘Em! Motorola DROID XYBOARD Wallpapers Ready For The Downloading


Show of hands! Who’s going to rush to their local Verizon store on Monday and pick up the Motorola DROID XYBOARD? Anybody? Okay. If you don’t see a Motorola Xyboard in your immediate future, how ’bout you just take some of their wallpapers instead? Sound good? Awesome. If you’re a wallpaper junkie like me (I change mines at least every few days) you’re going to want to check out these high-res wallpapers extracted by the boys at Droid-Life from the Motorola Xyboard. I have to admit — I was impressed.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

I posted a few of my faves for you to long press and save on your Android device (just click the images twice for full resolution). Or you can download the zip file for the complete set with all the ones you see here, plus a few more. Woot! Enjoy!

[Motorola DROID XYBOARD Wallpapers]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Who in their right mind would buy these Droidlets?

  2. I’m down. I have the xoom and I wouldn’t mind some new wallpapers. Thank you!

  3. Yikes, with the exception of the landscape one (which looks like a reject of Win7), those are fugly. 

    1. You’re killing me! xD

      1. Give me a galaxy nexus!!! D=<

  4. I’ll pass….they look like garbage.

    1. They’re not garbage.. They’re actually pretty nice. but I think that they are over priced and there are cheaper solutions that will get the job done just as well.
      But it’s so… thin:o

  5. Nice, they always do ok on the wallpapers.

  6. Racing to Verizon for a Motorola tablet…………lol that is a joke, right Chris???

    1. You no want a Moto XYXYXYXBOOARD? xD

      1. Lol….I have a xoom! It is pretty close to the tablet I always wanted now that the 4g upgrade fiasco is complete. When it gets ics I would not need a xyboard, since it is not much of an upgrade! :-)

        1. But what about the new corners!?!! The slanted corners, man!!! xD

          1. I think I can sand down my corners on my xoom to save a few bucks!

          2. Played with one today, nothing special:P I would much rather put my money towards the OG Transformer or Transformer prime:3

  7. I’m gonna use these wall papers on my ibex Flytouch 5 (google flytouch5 :D

  8. I want a xxxboard

  9. “Who’s going to rush to their local Verizon store on Monday and pick up the Motorola DROID XYBOARD?” hmmmm….those kids wearing helmets riding that little bus that I saw the other day?

  10. It’s a gigantic Razr. I like it better than the iPad.

  11. I was pretty impressed with the ones I played with.  The 10″ with its stylus support is pretty fun.  Spent a good chunk of the evening just messing with that.  You can use it in a full screen overlay mode and just write in any fillable form on the screen.

  12. Looks a lot like a Motorola Photon in tablet form. Same amount of RAM too. 

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