
Happy Holidroid Contest: Secret Phrase Challenge


If you’re unsure what this whole “Holidroid Contest” thing is all about, be prepared to get excited. From November 24th through December 25th, Phandroid is giving away a Kindle Fire every single day along with other great prizes like the Galaxy Nexus Galaxy Tabs, JAMBOX, SmarTouch Gloves, Android Phones, Android T-Shirts, Seidio Vouchers and more. Read our announcement post for details.

Yesterday’s Winner

Congratulations to yesterday’s winner, Lee, who was asked to answer a trivia question. He answered the question correctly and is the winner of an Amazon Kindle Fire, Galaxy Nexus, a Jambox, an Andy T-Shirt, a pair of Isotoner SmarTouch Gloves and a $30 voucher for Seidio accessories.

We are also announcing the winner for December 2nd’s video app review contest! Our winner was Bobby C who produced a review of the app Defensoid. You can watch the video review below and see why we thought it was deserving of all the great prizes he recevied.

There are plenty more prizes up for grabs, we’re just getting started. Today is real doozie, Here is a look at what you could win:

Amazon Kindle Fire

The Kindle Fire could be this holiday’s hottest product: at only $199 it’s not only one of the most  affordable Android tablets, it’s also one of the best. That’s a killer combination. With a beautiful UI, great battery life, carefully curated apps/games, and an amazing array of media options thanks to Amazon’s Digital Content Ecosystem… the Kindle Fire is a sure win. Good luck winning one in our contest, but at only $199 it’s probably worth buying one just in case!

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Who wouldn’t want the Samsung Galaxy Nexus? It’s the world’s first smartphone to run Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and features the specs to match, including a 4.65-inch 720p HD display, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, and plenty of on-board storage. HUGE props to Nikolay Ananiev, the developer of an app called Tiny Flashlight + LED, who donated the Samsung Galaxy Nexus for giveaway. His app has OVER 10 MILLION downloads and Nikolay contacted us asking for ways he could give back to the community as a way to say “thanks”.

Jawbone JAMBOX

Ever wanted a small, portable speaker that plays music LOUD and CLEAR and isn’t a pain to setup? Let me introduce you to the Jawbone JAMBOX speaker. This bad boy packs a powerful bunch an extremely small frame, easily connects to your Android device via Bluetooth, and is an absolute pleasure to use. Bluetooth means you can stream not only music, but also games, apps, phone conversations, movies, and any other audio playing on your device! It also means no cords! Put it on your desk. Carry it to the kitchen. Bring it to the basketball court. Take it to your friend’s party. The Jawbone JAMBOX is a music lover’s dream device.


Isotoner SmarTouch Gloves

Every single holiday season these SmarTouch smartphone gloves are consistently one of my favorite gift giving items. They eloquently solve one of the most fundamental problems a tech lover faces: using your device in cold weather. Wearing gloves usually prevents your touchscreen from working: take your phone out, take your glove off, use your phone, hand gets gold, shove phone in pocket, rush to get glove on. NO MORE! Isotoner’s SmarTouch gloves, designed in my colors and sizes for both men and women, has technology that passes the electrons your body gives off, through the gloves, onto the capacitive screen and allowing it to work. VOILA! Seriously. It works. Trust me. Try it… and you’ll love them forever.


Andy Robot T-Shirt

True Android enthusiasts and tech lovers enjoy expressing their Android attitude and there is no better way to do so then with an Android Robot T-Shirt from the brilliant folks at iSteamAndy. They’ve created a series of artistic, creative Android Robot themed T-shirts with fun, rich imagery. They sell like hotcakes and have limited production runs so get each design while you still can. Some of their top designs (and ones we’re giving away) include: Dark Night Andy, iSteam Andy, Flying Andy, Exploded Andy, Andy Verus, and Unstoppable Andy. Check out

Seidio $30 Voucher

With so much smartphone use comes battery drain. Thankfully, Seidio makes some awesome extended batteries that fit many smartphones, allowing you to get longer battery life with the same device. No more toting around a charger everywhere you go: just snag a Seidio and call it a day! Seidio also makes cases, holsters, and other great accessories for your smartphones.Check them all out here.

Today’s Contest Rules/Regulations:

Today is a secret phrase challenge. The following phrase will appear at some point throughout today in a post. The first person to spot the phrase inside a post will win all of the above prizes!

The elephant man ran out of peanuts

  • Only one post following this one will contain the secret phrase quoted above (it will be after the timestamp of this post)
  • Sign up for a free account at
  • Visit this thread on and post a link to the article that has the secret phrase if you find it
  • If you’re a new user, copying and pasting the secret phrase, the title of the post and the timestamp on the post into your post on AndroidForums will suffice. If you do not have all three of these things, you will need to resubmit them as a new entry.
  • The first person to find the secret phrase is the winner.
  • New users are allowed to make test posts as long as they explicitly state it’s a test. These posts are still subject to the editing rule above.
  • Read our Full Official Rules for information about eligibility
  • This isn’t required but if you want to be nice… Visit by clicking here before you do your holiday shopping because you love us!

Looking for a great gift? Don’t forget about our Holiday Gift Guide!

Tomorrow’s Contest:

We’ll be giving away a Kindle Fire, Smartouch Gloves, $30 Seidio Voucher, Galaxy Nexus, Jambox, and Andy T-Shirt! You never know when we’ll make our contest post so check back early and often!

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I really hope no random douche decides to post that just to mess with people

    1. I’m sure it will be coming from the phandroid staff

  2. it’s this post! i win

  3. All you have to do to win this one is post the link to any and every new
    post from Phandroid into that thread. Eventually you will luck into
    guessing the correct one. Since they only look at your last submission,
    you could win that way. I love Phandroid and want desperately to win,
    but this seems like a weird way to do it.

      1. Good. Thank you!

      2. Can it also be printed on a picture? I need to know where to look xD

      3. You should probably add that to the main post.

      4. I agree that’s the way it should be but you guys really need to put that in the rules. The forum is a free for all. The only hope of winning to to post every link we see. Perhaps you should create a new edited contest and start this thing over with clearer rules. I mean it’s great you’ve added this qualification now, but it’s after the fact. People were already disqualified then before you “added” this rule. 

        1. and to be fair, no where in any of the “official rules” does it say that. 

  4. Sorry guys, had to create the forum thread. The link is live now! Don’t worry, you were never in any danger of losing :)

  5. thanks phandroid! it was a tough match: there were a lot of good reviews to go up against.

  6. Great…..just when I thought I could stop refreshing the mainpage….I have to stay…but STAY I WILL!!!!!!  BTW only newposts or also earlier posts?

    1. Only one of the new posts after this one and before the end of the day will have the phrase

  7. Good luck to me.

  8. It says new users cannot post links… WTH?

  9. Sour grapes from me for sure, but I’m bummed that an app that (paraphrasing) “really doesn’t change the genre of tower defense games” would win.  That, and more sour grapes that an obviously experienced game/app reviewer would win too.

    …oh, and last sour grapes, I promise…I chose to make mine a 1-take, 1-min. review too…not splicing together.

    …just venting after a few days of thinking I had a legit chance.  I’ll get over it.

  10. People who post every thread should not win, should only be your first.

  11. As a new user you cannot yet post links or images. When you reach the required number of posts this filter will be lifted. This is an anti-spam measure, we apologize for any inconvenience.

  12. It’s in this post itself..

  13. Sure. Gratz Bobby C!  

    I guess a 12 pack of bud and a Phandroid pirate hat just isn’t good enough these days. I was certain I won the December 2nd contest based on how many views I had.

    I bet if i had 1,800 followers and my own Youtube channel like Bobby C has, I would have had 4,000 views.

    1. Our grapes are sour together.  I doubt (read: hope) Phandroid used the “how many hits does the video get” as a measuring stick.

      I bet if I had won, though, people would’ve been saying that Phandroid only picked me b/c I pimped the sponsors in the review.

      1. We were going based on quality of the review. What really impressed us. There were some great ones and the fun ones like Ben’s were very hard to pass up (I smirked on a lot of them) I just felt like Bobby’s was deserving to be the winner. Remember, there were 90+ entries and only one winner can be had. If I could have chosen 90+ winners I would have! Sorry but you can always try your hand at the numerous upcoming contests! Good luck!

        1. All good. There’s more contests! And today’s is Juicy.

        2. Bobby’s certainly was good and deserved the prize. He kept it under one minute, he produced it well, and it was a great review.

          1. I was proud of the 5 dislikes I received. Hahaha.

        3. Quentyn….quit distracting me! I’m trying to win the secret phrase challenge! :D

          Phandroid’s doing a great job with these contests.  Keep it up!

  14. hoping i get to win this contest, will have my phone on auto refresh the rest of the day lol.

  15. so are you not allowed to post links as a new user?

  16. What do you win?

  17. Why must you do this to me? I really want a Galaxy Nexus, but also need to do things… and sleep(different timezone). Well life is about sacrifice I suppose.

  18. Whats a phrase

  19. is there anything in place to prevent people from blindly posting the link to every new article on the forum page?
    How hard would it be for someone to write a script that does that automatically????
    (not complaining, just asking….love these giveaways).

    1. Good point ivan!

      1. I could also create a script which goes through every new page for that phrase and comment on it…

        Any programmer could do it, load up an rss library, let it run through the xml and automatically reload, when a new post is made, open it and parse throug the page, if found, enter data in the comment box… :/

        1. And if the phrase is in an image?

          1. That is indeed a possibility, a possibility for that would be harder. That would require the parser to save any images that are not used on other pages and show that to the programmer. Not impossible but better than plain text :)

        2. already done. this prize is mine!

    2. Well, Quentyn has stated further down in comments one entry per person, but the full rules allow for disqualification of any entrant for any reason anyway, so hopefully shouldn’t be an issue.

  20. Phandroid should only give you one reply. If you submit a link and the post does not contain the catch phrase then you should not receive any more chances. Some of us are actually reading the post to look for the phrase instead of just posting the link to every post trying to luck up being first.

  21. GTA III Coming to Android D
    ec. 15 for $4.99

  22. This is stupid. People are just posting the link right away before even reading it…

  23. People are just posting the links as soon as they come out without even checking to see if the phrase is in there.  That should disqualify them because that is crap!

  24. this post

  25. If I fill the place with peanuts until I come back from work, the elephant man won’t run out of them, will he? :D

  26. I don’t think so

  27. I hate contest that goes to the first person to respond. Some of us are not able to sit by a computer all day refreshing the website. I think phandroid should make more contest a random draw among correct answers.

    1. They have both kinds.
      Actually, most of the contests are random draws.
      The “first one gets it” trick energizes the contest participants, to that’s why they also do a few of those… (Or so I think)

      1. They do it to get the maximum ad views… it’s nothing more than revenue generation people…

        But they deserve the revenue for everything they provide this community, so good luck for them and their money-making schemes!

    1. I spotted it!  ^^^^

  28. Everyone just give up. People already have scripts running that automatically post the link to any new posts on the forums. Just look at the amount of links that appear on the forum post the second a new post appears.

  29. Spamming the place with peanut posts is not gonna help anyone win the contest…On the contrary, it will make so many false positives that even if the elephant man was to somehow find himself without his prized peanuts, all the noise surrounding that post would make it almost imperceptible…Can’t we all just calm down and only post AFTER we find the elusive sad elephant man without peanuts?!? This was in the review for GTA III Comjing to Android

    1. You should win a prize just for this comment.

      1. Hey! That was my comment :D

  30. Per the rules for the contest as a whole:

    “Phandroid reserves the right to disqualify any entrants for any reasons
    including but not limited to: spamming, cheating, creating multiple
    accounts for the purpose of creating multiple entries, attempting to
    circumvent the rules, failing to meet the age requirement, failing to
    reach the residency and mailing address requirement.”

    I would think that these people would classify as both “spammers” as well as “cheaters”.  The entire point of this is to read the article and respond accordingly.  By simply posting a link every time a new article is posted, you are violating the rules.

  31. This is getting out of hand, already 3 pages of spam posted in the thread when the phrase hasn’t even hit a post yet. You guys should really consider making us post a link to the article and also write what line the phrase appears or the first word of the sentence the phrase appears. Something like that to ensure people are actually reading and finding the phrase vs just spamming a link to every new article that pops up. 

  32. RIP, Patrice Oneal, @bigmommaprods you were the greatest!

  33. this automated response of people posting every article should really be a disqualification…

  34. Kindle Fire Could See UK Launch in January

  35. WTF. make it as difficult as possible to win…

    I’m sure this phrase will be posted in a thread that will be sponsored by the highest bidder (i.e. Jawbone, Kindle) 

    f0ck these things, i will nver win, and its probably rigged anyway. a friend of one of the editors always wins………….

  36. I’m gone start visiting Phandroid again when then contest is over.

  37. Good luck everyone

  38. good little  video review of defensoid 

  39. Please for the love of Pete, change the rules to make people enter a word, phrase, or picture that accompanies the post in order to weed out the spammers and scripters. 

  40. Verizon Takes Top Spot, AT&T Ranks Last in Consumer Reports Carrier Satisfaction Survey
    by Kevin Krause on December 6th, 2011 at 5:03 pm

    The elephant man ran out of peanuts

    1. Verizon Takes Top Spot, AT&T Ranks Last in Consumer Reports Carrier Satisfaction Survey
      For the second year in a row, AT&T has finished last in Consumer Reports‘ survey of wireless carrier customer satisfaction. Verizon’s customers ranked as the most satisfied, followed by Sprint and T-Mobile, in that order. The annual survey revealed that customers subscribing to smaller regional carriers and prepaid providers were overall the most happy with their service. Given the limited availability of top-tier devices and local nature of many of these providers,Consumer Reports electronics editor Paul Reynolds stated that major carriers such as AT&T and Verizon remain the best options for smartphone users but admitted that customer satisfaction can vary greatly. 66,000 subscribers to Consumer Reports were surveyed from 22 major metropolitan areas. In the process, the elephant man ran out of peanuts. The full report will be available in the January 2012 issue. Do AT&T customers agree with the last place ranking?

  41. Verizon Takes Top Spot, AT&T Ranks Last in Consumer Reports Carrier Satisfaction Survey

    . 66,000 subscribers to Consumer Reports were surveyed from 22 major metropolitan areas. In the process, the elephant man ran out of peanuts.

    Do i win?


     66,000 subscribers to Consumer Reports were surveyed from 22 major metropolitan areas. In the process, the elephant man ran out of peanuts. The full report will be available in the January 2012 issue. Do AT&T customers agree with the last place ranking?

  43. IT’S OVER.

    Wow. That was intense. I was number 8 of those who posted. But I have no idea who among the seven before me was legitimate and followed the rules.

    Now I can go pee.

  44. copying and pasting the secret phrase, the title of the post and the timestamp on the post into your post on AndroidForums will suffice. If you do not have all three of these things, you will need to resubmit them as a new entry. The first person to find the secret phrase is the winner.

    The Elephant man ran out of peanuts had to be included in the post

  45. Verizon Takes Top Spot, AT&T Ranks Last in Consumer Reports Carrier Satisfaction Survey
    by Kevin Krause on December 6th, 2011 at 5:03 pm

  46. Verizon Takes Top Spot, AT&T Ranks Last in Consumer Reports Carrier Satisfaction Survey
    by Kevin Krause on December 6th, 2011 at 5:03 pm

    For the second year in a row, AT&T has finished last in Consumer Reports‘ survey of wireless carrier customer satisfaction. Verizon’s customers ranked as the most satisfied, followed by Sprint and T-Mobile, in that order. The annual survey revealed that customers subscribing to smaller regional carriers and prepaid providers were overall the most happy with their service. Given the limited availability of top-tier devices and local nature of many of these providers,Consumer Reports electronics editor Paul Reynolds stated that major carriers such as AT&T and Verizon remain the best options for smartphone users but admitted that customer satisfaction can vary greatly. 66,000 subscribers to Consumer Reports were surveyed from 22 major metropolitan areas. In the process, the elephant man ran out of peanuts. The full report will be available in the January 2012 issue. Do AT&T customers agree with the last place ranking?

  47. I literally was refreshing the page every 10 seconds for the past 2 hours and the second i saw the article with the phrase I posted on the forumt but yet i was the 30th person (if not more) …not even close to being first


  49. I give up. There’s just no way I can win…

  50. I was constantly click refresh, and reading articles, after this was posted, when I saw it I went to post and there were over 8 pages within 60 seconds, I have a feeling whoever won, probably cheated with some auto refresh, auto post system. Kind of lame. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.

  51. Verizon Takes Top Spot, AT&T Ranks Last in Consumer Reports Carrier Satisfaction Survey
    by Kevin Krause on December 6th, 2011 at 5:03 pm In the process, the elephant man ran out of peanuts. 


    damn looking at this site all day long and on the ride home, i dont look for 10 mins and lose lol oh well. was fun constantly refreshing phone looking for update for hours lol. maybe tomorrow. really need that 4g speed to get the updates faster.

  53. Secret Phrase: “the elephant man ran out of peanuts” … article: (article posted by Kevin Krause on December 6th, 2011 at 5:03 pm) … and I’m JoeActor!  Gimmie a prize! (or not)

  54. im not surprised, but of course it was posted while i was out working, and someone who was sitting at their computer hitting the refresh button probably ended up with the first post… sigh.  i guess the few bucks i made during those 20 minutes will help pay a little for the products i could have won.  hooray.

  55. Congratulations to whomever’s bot was the best!

    1. Hah. Yeah. This is why I don’t bother with these time-based contests: It’s too easy to script:

      Every 15 seconds, get the RSS link, if new item, then get item and grep for the secret phrase (hopefully it’s obfusciated a bit :). if phrase found, then popup ALERT with snarfed phrase/title/timestamp read to be verified and pasted into a waiting forumbrowser textedit.

      So, again, I hope the secret phrase isn’t easily greppable, else the bots win. If it is… well… then just the crazy F5 reloaders win :)

      EDIT: Lame. I just noticed that the phrase WASNT obfuscated. Bots win.

  56. Att post!! Att takes last in user ratings

  57. The elephant man ran out of peanut


    Verizon Takes Top Spot, AT&T Ranks Last in Consumer Reports Carrier Satisfaction Survey
    December 6th, 2011 at 5:03 pm

  59. Again, another timed one.  Let’s change it up!  Get some creativity juices into this thing!

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