
Asus Transformer Prime Gets Stripped Down – Nvidia Tegra 3 Processor Exposed For All To See


It was only earlier today that we showed you the Asus Transformer Prime passing through the FCC but if you wanted to take a closer look at the device — from the inside — WirelessGoodness was able to extract a few good pics of the device being dismantled.

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While seeing devices getting torn down is not normally my cup of tea, it is cool to look at all the internals (looks like a mini city!) and the Prime’s powerful Tegra 3 Kal-El processor exposed for all the world to see. I don’t know about you guys but I think I need a cold shower.

[Via WirelessGoodness]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Chris, you need to get me an Evo 4G with the kal el processor…figure it out.

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      XXXX  XXXX   XXXX  XXXXXXXXXX         XXXX         XXX        XXX  XXXXXXXXX
      XXXX   XXXX  XXXX  XXX                   XXX  XXX      XXX        XXX             XXX
      XXXX   XXXXXXXXX  XXX                  XXX    XXX     XXX        XXX             XXX

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  2. Can’t wait for this

  3. Where’s the flux capacitor?

    1. They had to remove it because it will only be supported on Jellybean

  4. Can’t wait for reviews

  5. [moderated]=D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    1. That’s a lot of drool O_O

      1. yeaa, uhh drool… :)

        1. Why is your school #2 pencil drawing squigglies?

  6. Better than porn!

    1. It’s Android pr0n!

  7. Merry Christmas to me……..

  8. I can’t wait to play this game.

  9. That bitch is huge!

  10. It probably was mentioned before but isn’t Kal-El Superman, Clark Kent’s kryptonian name?  It’s like a supertransformertablet (the superman of transformers all in a little 10″ tablet)

  11. i dont really care much since tablet is not my cup of tea. i want something that can fit in my pocket and portable. 

  12. To many double postings…Anyhey…Prime…I sure hoped the Driod pime was real…oh well.

  13. So you’re telling me it’s NOT pink on the inside :(

  14. I think I need a hot bath : D… feeling a bit sick ajd running a temperature : S : )

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