
Samsung Still Going Strong With Original Galaxy Tab Ads Despite Verizon iPad 2 Launch Today


Samsung may have slightly cowered at the launch of the iPad 2, but that’s not going to stop them – a day before the Apple-bred tablet is available from Verizon, they’ve posted a brand new advertisement for their original Samsung Galaxy Tab on YouTube. (Which we imagine could find its way to airwaves soon.)

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The Korean company reportedly questioned their new tablet – the Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Honeycomb – regarding its quality up against the iPad 2. Reports suggested they could go back to the drawing board on their hardware or rethink their pricing strategy, but Samsung confirmed that this isn’t the case. (Pricing is still up in the air, though, so the iPad 2’s launch could effect that.)

Samsung will be holding an event March 22nd in Orlando to kick CTIA off. At the event, they’re expected to announce several more sizes of the already-announced Galaxy Tab “2” – these include an 8.9 inch versions, and a 7 inch version with Honeycomb could be in the works. It makes me wonder why they even bother to spend more marketing dollars on an outdated version – perhaps they just want to clear inventory as quickly as possible.

The new advertisement itself isn’t anything special, but the timing is very interesting. Check the video out for yourself above.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Or, perhaps, despite Galaxy Tab 10.1 launch soon

  2. just saw a xoom commercial on Conan

  3. 8 & 9 inch versions????

    No, they are releasing an 8.9 inch version…

  4. i think the Samsung statement about “go back to the drawing board on their hardware or rethink their pricing strategy” is just a ploy by Samsung. they probably just want to pull of a surprise.

    and like Rob (not jackson) said… more likely a 8.9″ tablet.

  5. Samsung one of best makers of tablets and shits on crApple device which just suck. Go Android forever!

  6. Well not all of us want to haul a 10″ Tablet around. I like the Galaxy Tab’s smaller screen size. And its only a matter of time before someone is able to put Honeycomb on the current gen Galaxy Tab anyways, such as they have done with many Android Phones/Hardware.

  7. Just awesome,i have the dell streak 7 tablet n it just like it,i love it

  8. “feel free to work, play, VIDEO CHAT……..”

    Ummm do they want to explain that one? To the best of my knowledge you can’t video chat. At least not Skype, but maybe there is a Tab to Tab one?

  9. Why make an advertisement for an old tablet?
    maybe cause:
    “hey, look our galaxy tab, its cooler than the ipad2”
    Later an advertisement for the 10.1 tablet:
    “now thats a lot cooler than the ipad2”
    and all the people are like “omfg, by far cooler than the ipad2!”

  10. They just want to keep the name Galaxy tab fresh in everyones minds. That way when the 10.1 and 8.9 are released people will still have the name in their heads! They cant stop marketing just because a device is 4-5 months old….that would be stupid

  11. Still love my Tab. If a dual core Honeycomb 7 incher comes along, I’ll trade it though :)

    @Jeff yea, you can. In europe it’s built in using their standards, in the US you can use Tango, or Qik video chat if your carrier supports it.

  12. hey i suggest everyone to buy galaxy tab as ipad is really piece of shit.seriously guys as the flop model ipad apple fail in market and launch ipad 2 to cut down the market share of galaxy tab but no wise decision.

    as far as apple other products concern . awesome gadgets except this i pad i think this experiment is failed.

  13. hey guys one thing i want to tell u as i m software engineer and related to this market the OS android has a bright future and not like that apple store apps.forseeable future of android market brighter than any other OS software and apps

    i suggest everyone to buy devices having ANDROID OS
    Good luck

  14. I like that it has EXPANDABLE MEMORY unlike the iPad 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5… LMAO, really Apple is a cash cow taking everyone’s hard earned $$$

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