
Google Snaps Up Paypal’s Vice President of Mobile


Some interesting news just came out of GigaOM: vice president of platform, mobile, and new ventures at Paypal Osama Bedier has left the company to work with Google on similar advancements. His responsibilities with Paypal dealt with bringing mobile payments to handsets and refining that experience, and it’s said he’ll be doing much of the same with Google.

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This move suggests a couple of different things, but the biggest of which would be about Google’s desires to speed up in-app payment development and to refine the market experience in an attempt to increase revenue for developers.

Nothing sounds more likely at this moment in time, and considering how fast Paypal made it to mobile under the direction of Bedier, we hope the system Google’s looking to employ is implemented just as quickly. We’ll be keeping our eye on this one.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I like panda

  2. Awesome news go google!

  3. Yo mama so ugly, you look like… umm…. her!

  4. …..because Paypal is such a spotless company that sets gold standards with their products and creativity. Not to mention their impeccable record on privacy.

  5. Probably more likely related to NFC payments.

  6. Oh look, a paypal bashing comment. How trendy.

  7. his name is Osama

  8. Headline would catch more attention if it were:
    Google snaps up Osama B.!

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