
Twitter for Android Gets a Significant Upgrade


Following its socially-driven competitor Facebook, Twitter has also updated their Android app. The changes are more than just incremental, too. The biggest difference is that it’s a lot faster than it used to be while scrolling through tweets. We all know how painful it is to scroll through an auto-updating list only to have to wait for the content to load once you reach the bottom. It’s also gotten a great visual overhaul, but it’s not like the app was necessarily ugly before. Go ahead and grab the new version from the Android market today.


[via Twitter]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. For me Twitter for Android has been uninstalled. It was terrible for me, it would not updated and I made sure I checked my settings too. Tweetcaster suits me well, but ill see what Twitter for Android has in its arsenal.

  2. looks like they took a page out of touituer’s playbook

  3. It’s all about Twicca!

  4. The official Android app is not bad at all unless you’re a loser tweeting every 2 minutes and stalking people.

  5. Twicca beta really is where it’s at. More clients need to add the user color labeling feature. It’s invaluable.

  6. New twitter client sux. Links and tags are no longer hot. Have to click the tweet to go to new screen containing the single tweet where the tags and links are now hot. This makes running thru blog tweets slow.

  7. Love that the last tweet in the screenshot is from JWArtProject. Just got to see him skate last month in Youngstown.

    I will have to give it a try & see how improved it has become, honestly I ll most likely stick with tweetdeck or hootsuite though.
    Cheers & thanks

  8. This was supposed to be new example app from Google. That’s what they said in Google I/O. Where’s the source code? Come on Google.

  9. Its a good update and very near twicca but not quite there. Needs Url shortening to be simplified like twicca, but i like the pull down to refresh, and yes its fast. But the white background will eat away more battery than the black of twicca, also prefer twicca’s bold white for new tweets.

  10. I absolutely HATE the new refresh crap.

  11. Is it just me, or does this update seem way less functional? Links are gone, the pop-up reply/retweet/etc. buttons are gone, refresh button is gone, and the auto-refresh that happens when you scroll above the top of the feed seems to take forever.
    This seems like a big step backwards to me.

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