
Is Google Instant Showing up for You?


We’ve been hearing reports that Google Instant is – once again – showing up for people who visit the mobile version of Google.com on their Android handsets. We saw this happen right after instant was launched for desktops, but it has since faded away. The selection of devices the “Instant” option is appearing on seems random – I, for one, couldn’t find it on my HTC EVO 4G, but others have. So how about it, guys? Are you seeing the mobile version of Instant whenever you go to Google’s homepage?

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[via Droid-Life]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. No sir I am not, Moto Droid.

  2. I’m only getting the usual suggestions (‘drop down list’) as I type.

  3. not on my nexus yet

  4. i am posting this message with my isotoner smartouch gloves.

  5. Not for me. Nexus One.

  6. This EVO has Instant.

  7. Epic 4G and yes, I’m seeing it.

  8. G2, yes.

  9. Negative – OG Droid from release day.

  10. Yes, showing on my N1 in Portugal on Google ‘s English homepage.

  11. No not on the vibrant

  12. Nexus yes in default browser only

  13. Nexus but no I havent seen this.

  14. Yes got it on G2

  15. Vibrant yes – but I wish it would populate all at once.

    It seems that every time I try to select one of the options, another is added just before my finger hits the screen.

    When a new entry is added, my intended selection is shifted down and I end up selecting something I don’t want.

  16. Nexus One, nothing here

  17. No – DX w/ 2.2

  18. Fascinate… got it

  19. It’s not showing up on either my Droid X or Captivate.

  20. Got my instant!!!

  21. Got it on my vibrant, works good on 3g

  22. It’s not on my original Droid. But I only got it on my desktop computer a week or so ago here in South Dakota.

  23. Yup – had it showing since Sunday. Original Droid

  24. YES, Moto Droid since Sunday as well!
    I actually love it and it’s not that slow, at least on WiFi.

  25. Yup, got my instant…DroidX

  26. Nexus 1 on Cyanogenmod nightly in Hong Kong. Yes, it shows up both for the native browser and Dolphin HD.

    Truth be told, I think I’ve had this for a while already. Probably a couple of weeks after Instant was announced or even earlier but I just didn’t notice.

  27. Negative on Evo.

  28. Nope – Eris 2.2

  29. Nexus One 2.2.1
    No Google instant here.

  30. Yes, Droid X. Stock OS.

  31. Yes – Hero CDMA

  32. Not on my EVO…yet

  33. I have it on my evo…who knew so many sites were associated with “hello kitty!”

  34. I’m a little late to this post, 10:15 a.m. PDT. I have it on my EVO.

  35. Have had it on OG Droid since Sunday!

  36. Milestone …Yes

  37. Yes, have had it for a little while now on my Droid 1.

  38. Got it. Captivate running froyo.

  39. Instant working on my Droid Incredible.

  40. Captivate running froyo yes.

  41. Yes – Nexus One on ATT in US.

    Using google.com, and after changing the search widget to include web searches, I see Google predicting my search term and throwing up results.

  42. Yup. DX.

  43. Got in on my D1!

  44. Moto Droid
    build number:frg22d

    not getting it. :[

  45. Galaxy S Romania, not showing :(

  46. Works with stock browser on my Droid X.

  47. No not yet, N1 / Froyo CM nightly / AT&T.

    So pissed I actually blogged about it.


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