
Barnes & Noble Updates Nook App


Barnes and Noble has today updated its Nook app for Android with a few new features that you might like. Firstly, they’ve added the ability to search your library – a useful addition for bookworms that have too much to scroll through. They’ve also gone inclusive with the ePub standard for eBooks allowing you to open any of those present in your My Documents folder.

barnes and noble android

Other changes include new themes for pages and text (day, night, butter, and sepia), performance enhancements, and new brightness control options. Finally, those that originally thought the app was too big of a download can now install it to their SD card if they’re on Android 2.2.  Go ahead and upgrade now by heading to the Android market.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. YAY! The open model of the nook hardware comes to the nook app, thank goodness. That was one of the first things I noticed when I got the app and I ripped them on in my review for Appolicious. I suppose I’ll go back and post something nice now.

    Thanks, B&N.

  2. I am a newbie when it comes to eReaders. I bought a nook because their AD said with 3G you can connect to the internet ANYWHERE. Found out anywhere to B&N is anywhere their is WiFi. Very disappointed.

  3. richard, the only internet you can connect to anywhere is the barnes and noble store. you can buy ebooks from basically anywhere. the rest of the internet is a different story.

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