
New Samsung Galaxy S TV Spot Set to Begin Airing Tonight [Video]


The friendly folks at Samsung just forwarded along this new TV spot that will be broadcast across the US starting tonight. For the first half you wouldn’t even realize it’s a cell phone commercial, which is actually kind of neat. In fact the opening seconds showcase technology that is rather archaic leading up to an M. Night Shyamalan reveal that might just Captivate you. Check it out for yourself below:

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  1. I actually saw one yesterday..

  2. What was that thing that erected?

  3. looks like the droid ads have met their match :)

  4. wello I think that his thumb

  5. Saw a similar commercial last night except that the phone shown was not the captivate, it was the international version of the Galaxy S, and no carriers were mentioned at all in the commercial.
    P.S. I do live in the US.

  6. yup and that commercial featured Gameloft

  7. Question about this phone, is there a way to run it without the touchwiz interface? Can we root it and install froyo before the offical upgrade and will the froyo upgrade still be skinned over by touchwiz?

  8. is this a real movie?

  9. I have the Vibrant Galaxy S (T-Mo). My phone is rooted and efforts are already underway to bring Cyanogen’s ROM. Once that happens, bye-bye TouchWiz. Actually I don’t mind TouchWiz other than parts of it resemble iPhone GUI. Blah.

  10. I could care less bout this phone. where the fuck is my fucking DESIRE AT&T FUCKING HATE YOU MAN. Now it’s the Dell Streak which I don’t care for damn.

  11. To bad this phone is made by Samsung! ! That’s more than enough to keep me away from it !!!

  12. @9. Steve

    too bad you are nothing but a hater.

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  14. High definition version:

    Super super nice phone. I’m loving it since I got it on Sunday!

  15. poor steve just can’t handle the awesomeness.

  16. i still think verizon and droid own the add world

  17. @KDroidX I agree!


  18. But verizon is just the US. Samsung ads will be everywhere.

  19. @kdroidx, which means exactly nothing. adds are great and all, but great phones + great service + great prices > adds. saddly, V fails to realise this and continues to have the “you need us” mentality that drove me away from them. when i left all my friends were with V, no only one remains.

  20. Wow, that ad was definitely an attention grabber. The phrase was short and to the point. First & Only with Super AMOLED Screen. Hehe :)

  21. @Steve Post #9

    Too bad you’re not gonna get one lol. Samsung is the leader in most fields they engage in. Why do you think that’s possible? Because they “suck”? lol get a life dude.

  22. Haha Samsung is taking the fight to Apple here in the UK. Saw this ad in London free metro paper. There was another one yesterday – “Gets a good reception”.
    So funny !!


  23. @steve…

    there is a good reason why SAMSUNG is the leader and the biggest electronic company in the WOLRD. go SVCK on SJOBS D!CK, maybe he will toss you a free bumper case LOL.

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