Are you ready for 205-pages of Incredible glory? HTC Incredible glory, that is – we’ve just gotten our hands on an exclusive copy of the HTC Incredible User’s Guide!
The Incredible User Guide was brought to you courtesy of AndroidForums Member and Forum Phone Guide – Anonimac. To see the entire 200+ page guide you’ll want to head over to the HTC Incredible Forum Announcement where, as Anonimac puts it, BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE!
Print that sucker out and stick it in your bathroom for quality reading… it’s going to take awhile to go through but I bet there are a bunch of people who will love every second of it!
(If you have problems downloading the PDF, please try several times as users are reporting errors but eventually get through. In addition, if anyone wants to mirror – feel free!)
Sweet thanks a lot!!!! Great news this is awesome.
shit. i really wish i learned how to read. I only know how to write. Can you please summarize the manual for me?
Nice! Good to have the Exclusive right here at home…
Credit goes to all the tipsters, posters, regulars, mod’s, admin’s, owner, and Phandroid/AndroidForums for providing an “incredible” place for us all to collaborate and gather! Keep up the great work!
And now a shameless plug for the BEST thread out there…
You guys rock… thank you!!!
go to page 201 for SPECIFICATIONS!!!! 576 Ram & 1 Ghz processor confirmed!!!!
Here a mirror:
I am surprised, it doesn’t look like it will carry the “Droid” brand at all (making it the first Android phone on Verizon to not be branded Droid). Having spent untold millions on making the “Ddrrooiidd!” sound instantly recognizable I’m surprised that Verizon is abandoning the Droid brand in this case at least…
I’m with jo….can we get a feature summary to see if theres anything new? lol. The first thing I’m gonna look for is the back of the phone to see if its smooth now lol.
I continue to limp along with my Motorola 325i flip phone and it is about to give out. So I am not sure if I can wait any longer while VZW keeps jerking people around.
Using your phone as a modem page 137. No mention of adding a tethering package. I hope this means we can tether for free like the pre.
Cyril: Thanks for the mirror site
I will not be getting an Increible, I would rather wait for something like the HTC Evo but on Verizon.
no wonder it took so long to realease. they had to write a novel to go with it.
I’m a little disappointed it doesn’t have the 1gb RAM (or the speculated 8gb), built-in the device.
Also, I was hoping for a front-facing camera, and HDMI output that the EVO has… I know that wasn’t expected. But, it would have been nice.
Does anybody know if EITHER the HTC Incredible OR the Google Nexus for Verizon will have the V-CAST Mobile TV? I have the LG Voyager and I LOVE the V-CAST Mobile feature and can’t believe none of the Android phones that Verizon has come out with or that I have heard are coming soon have this service or has even talked about it being offered. I’d greatly appreciate it if anyone out there knows of any of the Android phones for Verizon are coming out with this feature or if there is any DROID apps out there that have or will offer the ability to watch live TV. Thanks!
THANK YOU Cyril for posting the mirror!
Can someone please forward me a copy of the manual. I am having trouble getting a signal for the internet at work and syncing my emails among other things.
Also, I was at verizon this past weekend trying to get free teathering by downloading a third party software but was not successful – yet! I think it sucks to have to pay an additional charge on top of the data package to teather. By the way, I was able to teather for free with my blackberry pearl.
Is there a way to set the calls to silence but vibrate on incoming emails? Tried doing it in the notification section but it will not work, it will vibrate for everything or be silent for calls & emails…thanks
is there any over the internet cameras system that the htc incredible is compatable with its not able to log into any system i seen so far and that android remote app -no good -help!
Can anybody explain how to use the task manager app. I currently can stop all the programs, but they continue to start up on there own again? Any suggestions?