
100,000 DROIDS And Counting


Estimates are in, and according to Broadpoint AmTech Inc representative Mark McKechnie, Motorola and Verizon Wireless probably sold 100,000 Droid phones in the opening weekend of the device’s launch. Stores were initially stocked with 200,000 and about half of each store’s inventory was depleted, with the 100,000 figure being a logical and unscientific extension.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


Check out what Citigroup’s Jim Suva had to say on the matter:

“It wasn’t as good as the iPhone, but anybody that was expecting that had their expectations too high,” said Suva, who recommends buying Motorola shares. Traffic in Verizon stores through the first three days was “continually good,” he said.

Motorola may sell 1.3 million Android phones in the fourth quarter and 9 million next year, Suva said. Apple will sell 8 million iPhones this quarter and 28.5 million next year, he predicts.

Are you doing the same math as me? Motorola themselves will sell about 1/3 the number of Android Phones as Apple will sell iPhones next year. And then you’ve got Samsung, HTC, LG, Sony Ericsson and all of the other phone makers driving Android Phone sales. We don’t seem so crazy for saying that Android Phones will outsell iPhones in the near future, do we? That was rhetorical so yeah, shush. I’m crazy, I know… but yeah. Rhetorical.

[Via Bloomberg]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Motorola Milestone Official For TELUS, Early 2010 Launch

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  1. I wished we would have a phone that are decent for T-mobile. Cliq is ok. But would like to see the droid coming to T-mobile with their nice new plans they got.

  2. Well, I know I got *1*.

    Delivered by Fedex yesterday, and so far I LOVE it!!

  3. 2 here, one for me and one for my wife.

    I love mine, but I think she’s going so obsessed about hers that she’s going to divorce me and leave me for it. ^_^

    Don’t count on it. The Milestone might make it there someday, but I suspect that Verizon will have an iPhone-style lockdown on this puppy for a couple of years.

  4. Why don’t they count all Android phones as one instead of separate?

    It’s only one iPhone they put the different sizes in one bucket why not the same for Android phones?

  5. Yeah I don’t see those numbers he gave for the iPhone coming true either. I mean, most people have an iPhone already… and a lot of people are wanting to get off of AT&T, not extend their contract. Of course, I’m no analyst… but I’d say 2-3 million iphones in the 4th quarter and 12-15 million next year… Of course I am probably wrong, but thats my guess.

  6. did they say in the USA or worldwide? Anyway, Why shouldnt they sell 9 million next year? when it comes to %, the iphone doesnt really count. Yes, it is the phone most people are talking about, but nokia is still holding >40% of the marked, what has apple?! 7-8 or even less?!

  7. @teek:

    And it’s been pointed out (quite rightly) that without any real marketing or “lifestyle symbology” that Apple has, the Blackberry still has the lion’s share of the market.

    Total sales in one day (weekend, whatever) don’t count for crap. To these companies, ultimately it’s market share. And as for me, I don’t care about either, as I’ve got the phone I want and in a few years from now when Moto creates their Droid 2.0 LTE, I’ll be in line to get it.

  8. That’s not bad for a week, hopefully this going to give motorola a big push to release more and more exciting android-based smartphones

  9. @teek – the numbers are for the USA… whereas the comparison numbers for the 3G and 3Gs are 21 countries and 8 countries respectively… so >100k is a rather good launch, especially as far as the market is concerned.

  10. I think people underestimate how quickly sales of the iphone could plummet if/when people are given a better option on a better carrier.

  11. Since when do people believe analysts’ estimates for anything?

  12. i would say about 50% of what analysts say are just a trap to lure the common man into taking positions in stocks. after all, pro traders won’t be making that much green if there are no gullible victims to feast upon. so yeah, i’ll take whatever they say with a grain of salt.

  13. @nom:

    You’d be right. My stepfather’s a stock analyst and he’s told me that often. His advice is (aside from asking him directly) is research, research, research…and to stay clear of the financial journalist/analysts, because their stuff is pushing print, not really analyzing.

  14. Ok, but what happens if the iPhone becomes available on all carriers. It will definitely go to T-Mobile when the exclusivity contract is done as they are a GSM carrier. My prediction is that the next iPhone(if a new one is made next year) will be available on all US Carriers. Probally around July or August. That will be interesting to see. I hope it does happen but At&t just bought a wireless company so hopefully that helps with the dropped calls and 3g range. Apple may be able to beat out Symbian, for Global Spartphone Marketshare. Over 30,000 Iphone 3g and 3gs were sold today on Orange UK the first day they made it avaialable. THATS INSANE

  15. o and Vodafone is getting the iphone 3g and 3gs soon as well. so its going to be a crazy battle between the big dogs and the new one Android.

  16. Sales are less than all the hype about this being an iPhone killer. Dwindling market share Motorola needed a grand slam. Sanjay Jha steps up to the plate… and bunts. Motoorla knew this was going to flop. While else would a company that claimed to have a profitable Q3… why would they have their 57th round of layoffs?

  17. It can only be the number for the USA as other countries don’t have the Verizon Droids (well perhaps Canada? I have no idea)

    They would have sold a shotload more if they distributed the Motorola Droid to other countries, like the Netherlands.

    It’s frustrating to know there are awesome devices out there and you have to wait untill some CEO decides to sell it in your country, or make a deal with some other CEO of a mobile company. Get it movin’ people!

  18. >>Get it movin’ people!

    Jha laid off all the people. Plenty of managers left to attend high visibility meetings

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