
HTC Droid Eris OTA Update Coming Too


The Motorola Droid isn’t the only Verizon Android slated for an OTA update. You saw the Droid internal document detailing a huge list of problems/bugs and pointing out a December 11th target date for an Over-The-Air fix. It appears the HTC Droid Eris (ADR6200) wants in on the action:

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So HTC Droid Eris owners… we pose to you the same question asked to Motorola Droid owners: Are you experiencing problems with your Droid? Is your issue on this list? If so – are you happy? If not – share it below!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Motorola Droid OTA Update Coming December 11th?

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  1. The only problem ive noticed with my droid is that on about 5 of my contacts, when i link their facebook account to them, the birthday and picture info is not pulled in. Don’t see a fix for that in there

  2. Next release of software January 22nd, 2010

  3. Target date for next release of software December 11th, 2009. Verizon can’t make up its mind

  4. Yes, they badly need to fix the following bug on all Android devices, it makes Google Chat unusable:


  5. Problems I’ve noticed:

    1. GPS seemed to be stuck on. Fix: performed a soft power cycle.
    2. Unsupported audio file caused music player to force close. Fix: Connected to PC and deleted file.
    3. when sending a text over 160 characters the receiver of the text does not receive/see characters beyond 160.
    4. Poor battery life even after making tweaks to data/gps/wireless and even using task manager apps

  6. I have no complaints except for a few. When using stereo Bluetooth there is a significant lag if using the phone. I supose its processing priotiy. Last issue. My g1 kept the contacts with numbers seperate from every person I ever email. I dont want to create that group myselfand feel it should automatically seperate them.

  7. Love my eris!!

  8. I love that “Confidential” is plastered on these images. Some ones getting fired!

  9. Love the eris so far, actually exchanged the Moto Droid for it after one day. My only two issues with the device are battery life (expected to a point) and the Moto Droid’s bluetooth signal seemed stronger.

  10. What does this document mean when it says, under Verizon Wireless Applications, “WiFi access is not currently supported?”

  11. @Rick: Verizon services, live Visual Voicemail don’t quite work correctly using WiFi.. you need to disable and use EVDO/1X for Voicemail sync to work. Dont know of the others, but I have that issue.

  12. I think it’s pretty safe to assume if the Hero hasn’t had a patch by then, it’s not HTC or SenseUI’s fault.

  13. @bray424: I was thinking the same thing.

  14. The Droid Eris cannot access some paid apps in the Android Market. I hope they address that issue.

  15. Patches, Fixes? Xperia X10 how close to perfect will you be. Fingers crossed.

  16. Love my new Eris. One main issue so far. Don’t know how to set up so my voicemail password is sent automatically. Looks like should be able to do it in the Call Settings Section – says you can set up Plus Code Dialing but when you go into that section, there is not option for that.

  17. Have experienced some of the those that are projected to be fixed. However, I keep my phone in vibrate mode and I find that the Eris is just too soft of a vibrate. I never feel it. I use the verizon hard holster.

  18. My eris has terrible battery life unless you use advanced task killer to clear out the background processes.

    Midnight(100% battery) > 8am (15% battery)

    next night after change using task killer…

    Midnight(100% battery) > 8am (81% battery)

    It definitely bites off more than it can chew with the default apps.

  19. I’ve had and used mine for not quite a whole day so far. The only major bug I’ve seen so far is that for a couple of Google contacts I added manually from my old phone, it created 3-4 copies of the same contact. I had to go back and delete all the duplicates. Fortunately, they don’t seem to have self-replicated again.

  20. a few little things here and there but nothing major that makes the phone unusable. I have been extremely happy with this phone and all of my friends want to switch to Verizon to get one. Some of those friends even have the dreaded iphone. This thing is slick and sexy and the UI is sweet!

  21. @ Visualplastik : agree, battery life is miserable. I’m using advanced task killer and it only helps a little.

  22. Thinking about getting this phone but I am coming from the Sony W810i, which has stellar, superb, superior battery life…I mean really amazing…it will be a deal breaker if the Eris has poor battery life.

    I’ve read about the texting app work-around….but really…how bad is the battery….anyone?…if it is as bad as I have read, is there a cure?…can we buy a better (larger) battery for the Eris?

  23. got the eris 11/6. On 11/8 phone died; exchanged 11/9 for new eris. Battery life on original and replacement was terrible. am thinking of returning this. Have tried sms fix for hero and not seeing much improvement. Battery lasts about 6hrs with minimal use (less than 20%).

  24. I love my new Eris. Google is so next level! Only problem I’ve had (other) than me accidentally calling my buddy Jeremy 100 times (user error) is when AntiVirus comes up it won’t let me click okay. Kinda blows. Hopefully it’s not a windows issue. Still love it –timbo

  25. I am experiencing the DST offset problem. This is really bad. My calendar is literally unuseable because of this problem. Dec 11 cannot come too soon!

  26. I read that the default messaging app needs to have automatic message download disabled due to a bug that drains battery also. Not sure how difference that makes but I did that as well as ATK.

    Anyone know if a 1500 Mamp battery will fit in this? HTC lowered it to 1300 (about 15%) in this version, foolish mistake.

  27. I want yahoo exchange server sync. Can’t right now.

  28. Battery life not an issue after using Handcent rather than default message application. Look in the HTC Hero forums of this site for the process. Battery life is now in line with what I would expect. This works people.

  29. Sorry, it was the Sprint HTC Hero forum. Anywho:


    Now I’m not a heavy user of the Eris but pulled off the charger at 6:30a … 12:30p showing 70% with GPS active (well, on anyway)

    LOVE this Eris … of course coming from a Moto Q WM5.0 2 cans and some string would be an upgrade

  30. @Gert.B.Frobe: I had the Hero and was active in the discussions in the Sprint forums. The Eris doesn’t have the same issue that Hero currently has with the SMS application locking the Dialer and not allowing the phone to sleep.

  31. The fundamental problem with the eris is that it does not have Bluetooth activated voice dialing. In order to risk with this phone, one must physically pick up the phone, press the voice command feature, speak into the phone, then confirm the commans before the phone will transfer do Bluetooth. In states like
    California where handsfree is the law, this phone cannot be used to make calls in the car. as soon as more people realize this there will be a mad rush on Verizon of people who need to return their phones.

  32. install handcent and disable default messaging to fix the battery life issue. on my sprint heris :) my phone lasts about the same as my old blackberry curve 8900 and iphone 3g.

  33. hate the verizon droid eris by htc. my messaging never works correctly battery lasts 1/3 the time as storm and the facebook app sucks!

  34. The battery life ended up being too bad for my wife and I’s two Eris. A guy at works Droid had about 80-90% battery while I had 15% after the same amount of use (unplugged at 8am with these %s are from 4pm) with only networking enabled on both. We took them back (best buy you have 30 days) and have Motorola Droids now and I like everything about them. The keyboard on the display model at BB turned me off initially as its like a brick but its actually pretty soft on a real model. In general its also much faster, especially in the browser. #win

    (Note: We had done the messaging fix and used Task Killer)

  35. To Visualplastik:

    I had something similar going on. Turns out that Task Killer itself was causing the horrible battery life. I just put a writeup on the androidforums on my experience. I had them replace the battery and it still dropped at the same rate. After I uninstalled task killer (and made no other changes) the battery life improved dramatically. Infact after unplugging it, the power level stayed at 100% for about an hour and only dropped as some insurance lady kept calling me over and over again haha.

    I was temped to do the same thing though in light of the battery. Otherwise I love this phone.

  36. that task killer app is the devil! you might end up closing processes you should not. the ones who installed this app are the ones having force-close/crashing issues.

    droid os’ support for multitasking is setup pretty well. when you have an open app in the background, it will have very minimal battery usage. my moto droid has a tab under settings that would show processes/apps that are draining your battery life. the 6 apps i have on background did not even show up there except for weatherbug (that i have setup to refresh every 30 minutes).

    good thing about eris is replaceable batteries. i’m sure they’d come up with 1500+mAh battery soon enough.

  37. absolutely cannot connect to any wi-fi networks even with all encryption and filters turned off

  38. I’ve had my Eris for 2 days now and these are some of my thoughts. I have not tried anything to help with the battery life, but so far around 3pm my phone has to be charged. I do not care for the vibration on the 4 keys (home, menu, back & search). I have turned off all other vibrations on the phone, but cannot find a way to turn these off. Contacts – Mine are a mess! I have all my contacts from my gmail acct, as well as, all the contacts from my previous phone all combined with lots of duplicates. I’m just going through them one at a time. I’m not sure what to do with gmail contacts that I just use for email & not phone. Another thing I cannot get to work properly is Facebook for Android. Under Social Networks I have saved my facebook login & that is recognized for pulling my facebook friends profile pic, bday & stautus update into my phone contacts, but I cannot login to facebook. I continuously get errors when I try to access facebook. The other thing that bugs me is that my “current city” is NOT my correct current city. It’s actually a city 15-20 miles from me! I live in Birmingham so it’s not like it’s a small city. I’ve tried correcting it, but it keeps defaulting to this other city. Overall, I’m pretty pleased with the Eris and have enjoyed exploring all that it can do.

  39. i have a htc eris, low battery life, still dont know how to create a photo album, or how to move my pics around, how to lock them to make sure they dont get deleted. also when i go to facebook albums i’m able to see my friends albums but my doesnt load up. why i dont know, the gps does give you good directions but when you are driving it seems to get freeze.. hope they fix all that

  40. there are missing apps out of the market???? the hero and my touch has them but not eris WILL THIS BE FIXED!!!

  41. I was impressed with this new phone, but now it’s really starting to piss me off since the buttons to get to the home page, menu, go back, etc. won’t respond, therefore i can’t do anything but scroll with the ball. It seems to lock up or something. Anyone else have this issue?

  42. excellent device, only two comments, the battery life is poor and lack of turn by turn google navigation. Anyone knows id there are any plans from google to include this feature on the Eris?

  43. I like the eris so far. The Voice activated google search works pretty well. HOWEVER, I strictly purchased my phone with the intentions of becoming hands free as much as possible. EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW, you cannot give voice commands through your BLUETOOTH headset to make call with the ERIS or MOTO DROID.No Apps Avail to my that wll let me give phone commands through my BLUETOOTH headset to activate my contact list and make calls. I have to physically remove the phone from my hip to place a call. Might as well be livin in the 80’s. THIS REALLY REALLY RUINS the whole phone for me. Seein as how I went out and bought an awesome BLUE ANT q1 headset. ALSO, I tried 4 different brands of Bluetooth headset on the BlackBerry STORM 2 and it had horrible connection issues. (2 Jawbones, 1 Jabra, Blue Ant q1, even the plantronics 975 Discovery) Finally I took it back and tried the eris. WHO CAN GET THE BLUETOOTH THING RIGHT?

  44. The bulletin says you Droid won’t support yahoo email. I was also told by Verizon that it won’t suppport yahoo email. Yet, I’ve had no problems setting up yahoo email. Go into Manual setup. Put in your email address,[email protected], password=your yahoo password, POP server=pop.mail.yahoo.com, Security=SSL, Server Port=995

    there are some other forums that set it up a different way which didn’t work for me. I’ve had no problems with the way I described above.

  45. I got a droid a few days ago. The GPS does not work at all. When viewing the map, ‘my location’ is off by anywhere from 1 mile to a few sates or even in canada a couple times!!!! I can’t use the google maps navigation at all because my GPS/location are never correct! I have read forums and seen MANY other people are having this same problem. Google/verizon needs to fix this NOW! If not fixed in the next couple days, I will be returning my phone for a full refund. GPS is supposed to be one of the BIG things on the DRIOD, and it doesn’t even work… just horrible… and the fact that the Verizon store had no idea what I was talking about either… “oh your using VZ navigation”… ‘No… this is the DROID… with google maps… don’t you know what you sell’… Damn.. Just horrible experience. I also got hung up on by verizon phone support when asking about this problem… guess they didn’t have an answer and just decided to hang up… I can’t get in contact with google(who verizon told me to call) because verizon doens’t have a contact number to reach them at, nor can I find one anywhere online… What happened to CUSTOMER SUPPORT?!?!?!?!!?

  46. I don’t recieve calls at home w/ 4 bars signal. OK at verizon store.Old Razor was fine. Settings problem?

  47. Could not get wifi to work even though it said it was connected.

    Turned off mobile internet and it worked. eris should prefer wifi over 3g. I think this is a bug.

  48. Had the Eris for about a week now and the biggest thing WRONG with the phone is that while im trying to type text messages the phone all of the sudden exits out of the message im composing and i have to start over again, and then when I start to compose the message again the same thing happens. The compose screen disappears. It is EXTREMELY annoying and Verizon needs to come out with a fix SOON!

  49. I still cannot tell whether or not htc is addressing the BlueTooth hands free voice dialing??? Does anyone know/

  50. I got the Eris about 6 days ago and I’m really enjoying it. My only major issue is that I’m unable to send out going mail. I have a Yahoo account so hopefully they have a fix for it. I can receive emails just not send.
    I’m not very pleased with the camera’s resolution but I can live with that.
    Great phone just wish I could send some emails.

  51. Here are my known issues with the droid eris.
    1. BATTERY LIFE: Great phone if you plan on charging it at least twice a day. Hopefully a software update will fix this.
    2. Somehow wiped out all my screens. I didn’t lose anything but all of my widgets and icons just disappeared. This happened twice. However, I had just installed a syncing tool for mac when it happened and has not happened since I uninstalled it. It was somehow linked to the scenes settings.
    3. Service is spotty. I have little to no service in areas where other verizon customers have 3 or 4 bars.

  52. I am generally pleased so far but I have experienced some of the listed problems already after just a few days of use. The menus seem to operate a bit choppy at times and I sometimes get unanticipated apps opening.

    Good news is I have 30 days so I’ll get to see how much is fixed on the 11th prior to my return period ending.

    My biggest issue remains the lack of battery life.

  53. Also, don’t bother downloading the “where’s my droid” app. I have tried a few times, it always crashes. Seems to not really work. I wonder what quality control they are pushing? I know my Apple apps always seem to work fine!

  54. ive had an eris for a week or so and the gps never connects, and using the verizon network to locate me says im in india, the other side of the world…..awesome!

  55. Eris will not connect to a wi-Fi network that mixes B/G or B/G/N speed protocols. It will connect easily if the mixing is diabled by the access point (only one speed).
    Iphone, laptops (Mac and Windows), or printer servers have no problems w/ the mixing.
    Needs to be fixed.

    Battery life problem handicaps the device for business use. While in the field a low battery can cost you revenue.


  56. I WANT THIS BATTERY THING FIXED!!! there is no reason I should have to be worried about using my phone. I charge my phone over night and it doesn’t last through a full work day… I’M A TEACHER! So my days aren’t that long and my usuage is VERY minimal!

    Other then that I love it! Never had a smartphone or BB so having everything at my fingertips is GREAT!

  57. Have had the Eris for almost a week. My biggest complaint is the sensitivity of the side volume buttons.
    I have actually used this phones GPS for Geocaching, not as great as a dedicated Gps, but gets me there pretty well.
    Battery life isn’t great, and was really horrible in the beginning, but now that I use Advanced Task Killer, my battery life is pretty darn good.

  58. I’ve had my Eris for 4 days now. Way different then the TREO I previously owned. Like it so far. Trying to figure some things out…where is our manual? Only received the “helpful hints” booklet with phone (was helpful).
    Also, is there an option to turn your call on speakerphone and if so, how do you do that.
    Battery life sucks, even with task manager applications…otherwise very happy with my “iphone- like” smartphone. Thanks HTC!!

  59. I have had my Motorola Droid for a few weeks and I am on the road allot and I have always used my blue tooth headset on every phone I had and I was able to receive and place calls easily by pressing the button on my headset to place calls. And with my Motorola Droid I am only able to receive calls threw my headset by pressing the button on my blue tooth headset and I absolutely find it difficult when driving that I have to pull over somewhere or find a place to park just to make a phone call. I feel that Verizon needs to do a software update that would allow us to place calls using our BT headsets. Plus the fact in several states and various city’s there are laws where using a phone without using some sort of ear piece to where you can receive and place calls is illegal.


    To all those complaining about battery life:

    I, too, experienced miserable battery life after purchasing my Eris. I had Task Killer, Advanced Task Killer, Task Manager, etc. I tried them all, but to no avail. I let the battery drain all the way down and recharged, with only marginal improvements. However, when I uninstalled all of the proported “battery-saving” apps, turned off Wi-Fi, and changed my screen timeout to 30 seconds, the results were dramatically different. I am now getting a solid 2 business days out of a single charge.

  61. I love my droid eris but I find that it makes phone calls without my knowledge.

  62. Nerds: Please Help!
    I have had the htc Eris for a week now. being a mac, and coming off the iphone my first issue with the phone was the inability to sync with mac’s address book. After entering all 347 contacts manually, i also noticed the battery seemed to drain pretty fast. on a normal day, i have to recharge by 5 pm. ive changed my timeout to 30 sec., downloaded and un-installed ATK. I cannot connect my yahoo mail account and this really needs to work because most of my business comes via email. Im kinda missing my iphone which has now become my ipod. I still like the phone and im hoping an update will fix all these problems which everybody seems to have.

    Verizon’s coverage is awesome! I havent dropped a call all week, even going through spots where iphone did drop.

  63. We found that the droid has been calling our contacts – night and day without prompt. Literally, a mind of it’s own. We are back to using the old phone until this is fixed. We have grave difficulty in transfer of contacts!

  64. I am actually looking for feature upgrades. As-is, this phone is very nice for my uses. I am primarily looking for Bluetooth Push/OBEX so I can transfer ringtones to my phone. I don’t have a card reader that supports SDHC, and so, can’t really do it any other way, that I know of.

    But these updates are awesome, given it’s only been out a short time. But seeing as it’s Android, with it’s open source nature, it would be, I’d think.

    Great to see Verizon and HTC taking an active update approach. Way to stimulate the economy! :-)


  65. So far the only problems that I have with my HTC phone are as follows

    1. My verizon app/ HTC widget calender dissappear on me whenever I shut my phone down to charge. For verizon app I have to uninstall and reinstall the app or will force close when trying to use it. Calander just has to reload

    2. My HTC Droid seems to like to send out blank text messages to my friends when not in use and I do not carry phone in pocket so I cant seem to figure out why this is happening. Some times 10 to 15 messages at a time.

    3. Not sure why im not able to forward video from storage to facebook. I have to email them to myself and then send on computer.

    Please help im getting a little frustrated with this thing kinda wondering if the switch was worth it

  66. Only experienced a few minor problems so far. When trying to text msg people: Everytime I tried to send a text msg I would get an error msg ‘address vacant sms’ and the msg would not send. Fix: Turned phone off and then back on, rebooted. My main concern right now is when Android 2.0 will be available for the Droid Eris. The guy at Verizon said within a few months, he was not sure if it would be an OTA d/l, an app d/l or how it would be done. I really want the ability to use the 2.0 Google maps navigation feature. Currently [with 1.5] my google maps location varies from a mile circle [cell tower range/using?] and rarely down to around 10 meters accuracy. Also, why cant the ‘Use GPS satellites’ feature be enabled?

  67. So far the only problems that I have with my HTC phone are as follows
    1. My verizon app/ HTC widget calender dissappear on me whenever I shut my phone down to charge. For verizon app I have to uninstall and reinstall the app or will force close when trying to use it. Calander just has to reload
    2. My HTC Droid seems to like to send out blank text messages to my friends when not in use and I do not carry phone in pocket so I cant seem to figure out why this is happening. Some times 10 to 15 messages at a time.
    3. Not sure why im not able to forward video from storage to facebook. I have to email them to myself and then send on computer.
    Please help im getting a little frustrated with this thing kinda wondering if the switch was worth it

  68. how come the motorola droid does not display or read multi languages like the iphone? it does not read any languages that is written from righ to left like hebrow and arabic niether on email nor on the web pages i hope they do something about it

  69. I love my Droid Eris, but the number 1 problem out of box for me is the EXTREMELY POOR BATTERY LIFE. I’ve done everything to reduce the draw (shut off bluetooth, wireless, auto sync) and I only get through 3/4’s of a day with normal use. Last night I went to bed with my phone fully charged and all services off and on standby, and in the morning 8 hours later, I only had 10% of my battery left. I kid you not. There is something seriously wrong about this horrendous battery drain. Verizon needs to address this ASAP. Other than that and a few times the phone locked up on me, I really love it.

  70. No big problems but the scrolling needs to b fixs to fast needs a way u can slow it down and a zoom in n out key if haves cant find it type slow with everything but scrolling

  71. I just got the Droid Eris and I really like the phone. My biggest complainet: The battery sucks and the keyboard is pretty small, which has taken some time to get used to. I really love the droid operating system, it gives you a lot of freedom and makes for a very functional phone. Within two button presses and about 2 seconds, I can say a search phrase and then the phone will give me a google search results page. The speech recognition software is very accurate. The HTC widgets that come with the phone are very high quality, and you can also download free apps and widgets from Market. I have “crashed” my phone a few times, usually caused by an app that I downloaded, but the phone is back up and running in under a minute. The widgets and apps that come with the phone are better than the ones I’ve downloaded, but there’s unlimited potential out there. I don’t know if this is better than your iPhone, but it’s definitely the coolest phone I’ve ever used.

  72. So many great features with the Eris, but its killing me that I can not do the very basics I have relied on from two generations ago! Calendar user friendly is very important iyou actually rely on the calendar every day,the setup is cumbersome to adjust time and appointment details, and will not work in landscape mode (needed for a more accurate typing experience). Most upsetting is that basic over-bluetooth voice dialing was totally ignored, I had this feature with my Trio 650 three generations ago! What were they thinking!

  73. Have had the htc droid eris since it came out, and it is an excellent phone for the price. Battery life is certainly not stellar, but it is exactly on par with my ipod touch. If I am only playing with it a few times during the day, it will last all day. If I am heavily using the phone or the ipod touch, it will need to be charged by lunchtime. Not a big deal for me, but may be a deal breaker for some. I am not having any issue with responsiveness, the phone seems to respond to my touch right away. The Sense UI is great, and I love the seven home screens. My service is excellent, I even get full reception at my house deep in the woods where my old dumbphone could never even get a signal. Overall, excellent phone and I am fully satisfied.

  74. The GPS is often inaccurate. I have been in one location, and traveled five minutes from that location, and the GPS will identify me in a town/city hours away. This is most annoying with the HTC Clock Widget. I live in Columbia, MO and it will give me the time/weather of Columbia, SC (an hour time-zone difference).

  75. I am also unaware of any “easy” way to select multiple e-mails, messages, etc to delete. The check box method is inconvenient when you have 100’s of e-mails to sort through. A “select all” option may be a sufficient fix.

  76. I see that there are problems with voice dialing from a Bluetooth headset, but does anyone know if this is also the case when using bluetooth via a GPS device that has voice recognition?

  77. My Eris will shift out of the site you are on in Browser. And the biggest bug is not being able to send emails out. Is this due to the Google/Yahoo fight? Help.

  78. The issue that I have had recently is with the Alarm Clock. I”ve had a 4-day weekend to really test this thing out and for some reason, I can’t get the alarm to go off @ the scheduled time. I’ve deleted the alarm, reset a new one and still can’t get it to work. The first day it worked fine and I woke up. Going in late to work is not going to work so I hope they fix this problem- relatively quick. As for now, I am using my old cell phone for my alarm clock (never missed an alarm then).

  79. i have a text message thread with just under 800 messages, and i can’t delete the thread whenever i try it tells me its not responding and to either wait or force close, can i delete from connecting to my computer?

  80. The battery life sucks. I used advanced task killer free and it seems to have helped, but I also changed my email updates to every 2 hours. I have read the negative comments about task killer and I deleted it now to see if that works or not.
    Another issue I am having is with the factory messaging app. It started grouping messages that some people send all in the same message. I can not respond because it goes to all of them. It is only certain people and it seems kind of random. Can anyone help with this issue? Please email me @ [email protected]

  81. I’ve noticed that if I’m running the Hi AIM application, and not even USING it, but its running in the background…my battery life is AWFUL…won’t even last through a whole day at work (MAYBE 6 hours) when I’ve charged it overnight. Why does this one app suck down the battery like crazy? I have friends who have the Iphone and the MyTouch and they don’t have the same problems when they have AIM running all day!!

    Is there another IM’ing application that maybe doens’t suck the battery life?

  82. my droid does not have a button for a bracket!!

    [ ] [ ]

  83. My droid freezes a lot randomly like in the middle of a text message and doesn’t save it in a draft, or in the middle of updating a contact, but I friggin love the phone. Will the software update be available if you already have a phone? or is it only for ppl who are buying the eris after the update?

  84. Hey Courtney The update will be for all HTC Eris’s and it will be through the “Air” in other words through the 3g network. On 12/11/09 start your phone up and go to system settings, scroll all the way to the bottom ( About Phone ) Click or tap on that and uou will see at the top of the list System Update. Click, or Tap on that ad the system will update.

    Also to all others with complaints about Yahoo. Yahoo will not work with it for now. maybe never. Yahoo uses a different protocol for their mail servers than Google does or even hotmail for that matter, and PUSH does not work well with what Yahoo uses. I have 6 different e-mail accounts getting pushed to my ERIS and all are just fine. They all use the pop3 mailbox standard and Yahoo uses Imap. Works great but not as wide spread as pop3.

  85. I just switch from T-Mobile to Verizon and got the Droid. It is unusable. I am ONLY able to call out and receive calls. Voicemail, texting, web browsing and all data connection related functions are not working. I am thinking I made a BIG mistake switching to Verizon.

  86. I found the virtual keyboard does not work in landscape mode when composing SMS messages. Is this an issue or is it just my new HTC Eris?

  87. My Droid Eris sends out blank text on start up?

  88. We are eligible for an upgrade with Verizon, and we are long time satisfied Verizon clients. IF Verizon had an iphone, we would have switched years ago, but we are thinking the Eris may finally work for us. Seems like the Eris is still being sorted out. Also seems like the biggest issue is battery life. Two questions: 1) Will these OTA updates fix most of the software problems, and 2) Other than APP killers, does anyone think there will eventually be a battery improvement?
    Also we checked out the Eris at the Verizon store, and the accelerometer seemed slow to respond, and web pages seemed slow to open. Was this a unique experience? Will the update fix it? Anything else we should know?

  89. @David Miller- Maybe you should be more worried about focusing on driving and not so worried about calling someone while in the car. Im sure they can wait a couple extra minutes and it will save more people from accidents in the long run.

  90. Can’t believe some of these complaints. You need to learn how to use your phone.
    re: Battery Life. Download TasKiller. It’s free. Use it after running applications you won’t need running in the background. You Droid is like a computer. Just exiting out of an application doesn’t mean it stops the process.
    The biggest battery killer on this phone is Data Synchronization. Find this under “Settings”. Click “Google”. Disable Background Data. It’s that simple. I don’t use my gmail at all, I use Yahoo for email, so I don’t need it at all and even if I did use Google, I don’t find it that useful or necessary. I can pull my Yahoo address book up from my phone without draining all my battery.
    Some desktop widgets kill your battery. Figure out which ones are draining you then decide if it’s worth it. I got rid of a CNN widget for USA Today app, and the USA Today app is better and takes less battery. With a phone so customizable, you’re really gonna have to go through alot of trial and error.

  91. I read people talking about wake time… and battery life… mine says 12% but my batter only lasts a few hours. I don’t use the phone that much…mainly it sits till my wife texts me and we send maybe 20 to 30 texts a day…other then that it sits. I don’t get it. I turn off everything before I put it to sleep too.

  92. I notice when my apps update their icons change into weird symbols.

  93. i noticed that my alarm clock doesnt go off like it should every day
    what am i supposted to do ? i need my alarm clock to go off every single day! =-/
    help ?

  94. I noticed that too, but what I was doing was killing the clock with task killer, I selected for clock not to be killed and the problem was fixed!

  95. How do I get out of the browser or does it just keep running. and also, when i’m in music how do i get out? do i just hit the pause button and it just stays there? i just dont want my battery going low by leaving these apps on all day. please help with any advice. thank you!

  96. The bug must be fixed which causes applications to become corrupt or unusable after a soft reset/reboot. I am developing an App for the Eris but after so many resources/classes/activities the files will become jumbled. also date-dialog pickers are incorrectly displayed and needs some issues fixed with Hard reset rendering the phone useless until you call Verizon from another phone to re-authenticate your phone to the Verizon servers/network.
    I love the Eris though. don’t get me wrong-
    and yes….my name is Zion

  97. love the eris. having the the listed problems but they’re not a big deal. the problem I have is I can’t get my wifi to connect but my dads motorola droid will. Can’t figure out why. any ideas?

  98. oh yeah, and when the ringer is on and I get a notification I can’t turn off the notification. i just have to let it ring til it ends. Happened in class. so embarrassing lol

  99. I can’t play any mp3s – the music player keeps telling me that it doesn’t support that kind of file (even though it’s listed as one of the supported formats in the user guide) and then it force quits the music player. Anyone else have that problem?

    Other than that, i think this is the best phone I’ve ever owned. Haven’t had any battery life problems at all – I conditioned the battery the first few days I had it by letting it go all the way to red before charging it.

    I keep discovering cool new things about the Droid Eris every time I play with it.

  100. My Eris locks up after 80% of calls are conpleted. Have to remove battery to use it. Help?

  101. I have the same problem as #46. my google maps is JUNK! I live in Florida and it cant find my location and shows my current location as Urttar Paradesh where ever the heck that is! This puppy goes back today!

  102. The Eris does not support my school First Class Email account. Will there be an update for this in the near future?

  103. >3. when sending a text over 160 characters the receiver of the text does not receive/see characters beyond 160.

    This is a Verizon issue and only occurs when texting non Verizon customers (out of network). The Droid should at least show a character count as you’re typing. My older Verizon phones did this. I wish the Droid would too. It’s been one of my biggest Droid frustrations because I text a lot. Better yet, Verizon should chain texts together when they reach their max character count, the way AT&T does.

  104. I first purchased the droid by Motorola, and soon decided the overall weight and uselessness of the keyboard was a good reason to change to the Droid Eris. Upon changing the biggest thing i noticed other than the weight and absence of a keyboard was that when using the google maps feature, there wasnt a turn by turn navigation available. It gives you a list of turns, but doesnt have the voice activated navigation the Droid by Motorola had. Verizon told me there will be an update coming out with this, but havent been able to find any notifications of this in the forumns.

    Has anyone else heard this update will exist?

  105. A few bugs:

    > My calendar doesn’t seem to sync correctly.
    > Can’t send emails
    > Low battery life

    Other than that, I love the camcorder and the camera, and the functionality of the trackball. But the sending emails problem is huge.

  106. My one issue was this: after getting the update on Dec. 5th, my phone starting freezing up occasionally. Also another thing that I noticed that changed was size of pictures… I never had a problem sending a pic before the update, but now everytime that I snap a pic and try to send it, it says that it’s too big and compresses it down to a horribly small size. Has this happened to anyone else?

  107. I’m having very bad lag issues when it comes to texting. When I’m texting really fast, my Droid Eris can’t keep up with me and it keeps making up nonsense words that are really annoying and the words don’t make any sense, for example when I typed lol really fast, it came up with k6k? Wtf is that about? I didn’t even switch to the numbers keypad to type a 6 in and it came up with that…I’m getting really fed up and annoyed with my phone.

  108. I have to agree with Nick – #91. The Droid is great. I upgraded from my blackberry Storm and I an loving this. Lighter and faster than the Storm for sure. I didn’t care about the Hard keyboard since I was used to handling the virtual keyboard with no problems. Disabling the data Sync definietly helped the battery life and using the Advanced text killer after you leave an app in no big deal. All you do is pull down the drop menu and kill.
    I am only hoping to figure out how to delete multiple emails. I don’t have a check mark feature on the Eris Droid and my system software is all up to date. But that is a little thing and I learned a long time ago “don’t sweat the little things!”
    This Droid is SWEEEET!

  109. # 108 PM I highly recommend getting the advanced task killer, its an easy download and helps the battery and lag out dramatically. I was having to recharge my phone every night around 10pm, and now I can almost use my phone for 2 days straight.

  110. OK,,If you are having problems with your Droid, At this point, it would be smarter to just call Verizon for tech support or go to your Verizon store to troubleshoot. Best Buy can fix some but not all. To me, these are the smartest options. This way your problems are documented and if they cannot fix them after a reasonable amount of time, Verizon will more than likely replace the phone or battery. But don’t assume this..ASK THEM! Will they replace my phone or battery if it cannot be fixed??? Don’t torcher yourself anymore! I have to been to my V Store twice. When I turned the phone horizontal, orientation was messed up. The tech in the store fixed it. She also helped me with a few other things. She told me that 2.0 will upgrade in January. It is supposed to have Google map nav. with it. I walked out happy.

    Any questions?

  111. I can not dial certain contacts from the htc android eris people widget. I thought I cold remove and re add the contact to the widget but there seems to be no way to do this.

  112. For everyone having problems syncing yahoo mail with droid eris, pls see this link. It worked for me.


  113. Mine has a rediculously long boot up time.

  114. Some of my contacts (facebook) duplicate themselves. I can’t delete a single copy which has me re-entering them. I can’t seem to find any rhyme or reason to which ones multiply. Any fixes for this problem.

  115. Has anyone seen an unusual delay in handset ring on the eris compared when the caller initiated the call to the eris handset? Sometimes my eris will ring 4-5 times for the caller before my handet rings. Almost always there will be a two ring delay before my handset starts ringing. I will occasionally miss a call after the caller rang 6-7 times and no ring on my side.

  116. The clock on the HTC Eris displays the wrong time and time zone on the HTC clock widget. Sometimes it will show the correct town I live in, then other times it will switch to a neighboring town but will jump 3 hours back. All the time options are in GMT. I am on the east coast, a suburb of NYC, which is most definitely EST.

    Battery life is also very poor. Any improvement here would be appreciated.

  117. To delete multiple emails:

    1. Open email
    2. Tap menu button and tap delete
    3. When window to mark emais for deletion comes up tap menu button again and you will have option to “mark all” for deletion

  118. Whenever I try to delete multiple messages it takes up to 2 minutes to delete. Did not see that in there

  119. Coming from a blackberry to the eris it sucks battery suck and I just can’t get used to this touch screen

  120. my droid eris is nice, but the apps stopped working!!!! was very disappointed with this, it will stay at the downloading bar in the market place. this NEEDS TO BE FIXED SOON. or this Azn will not be happy…

  121. Does anyone else have issues deleting all messages in the thread? My phone allows me to do it on small amounts (under 50) But some of my contacts now have over 1000 messages and it will not delete the thread.

  122. I loved my BlackBerry before getting my new Droid Eris. Big screen, great color, faster web searching, but there is one huge difference that is having me regretting the move. I cannot send files through my phone via email. There is no way to attach a file and send, other than a picture or video. I’ve tried to work around it by going to (astro) my File Manager and holding down on the file name to bring up my options to which it says “send”, then brings up either Gmail or Mail. I test send it through Gmail and it never ends up in my other accounts. This is not a Smart Phone if It can’t standard files. Pleeeease please fix

  123. I love this phone. But like everyone else, ive noticed the batterie issue and i downloaded N app so i can finally set text ri-gtones but it only plays 1 line of the song then beepps i wanna dizable thus but can5 fihgure out how.
    and ps the reson so muc is misspellex isccuz i m doing this on mu. phone and it wont respond correctly.

  124. I love my Eris but the “BATTERY LIFE IS APPAULING!” — The Eris is my 5th Smartphone in about 4 1/2 years. I previously have had a Palm, a Motorola and 2 Blackberries. I love the Android OS. I love using the Android OS on my Eris. Through my research before buying the Eris, I knew to limit my use of widgets, change frequency of updates, and to kill apps and tasks as needed. Essentially, I felt that I was prepared for its less than stellar battery life (understatement). And after the first couple of weeks I was a believer in the phone and the OS, but severely hampered by battery life. Then I read in a review done by the Wall Street Journal (“The Other Droid Cell Phone;” Dec. 26, 2009) that said:

    “The first phone the company sent us had a very poor battery life, often running out of juice within a few hours of being fully charged and with very little use. But the replacement phone performed much better, lasting at least 24 hours with moderate use before the low battery sign came on.”

    In conclusion, I dropped into the Verizon store and swapped out my Eris for a new Eris that was from a newly received shipment; to no avail. Battery life is still dismal.

  125. Was wondering if anyone else is having a freeze-up issue with your Eris Droid. Mine has frozen up at least once a day for the past three days. It just started and before that it worked great outside of the poor battery life but now that seems better since the update in December…
    Thanks in advance!

  126. To all you people complaining about battery life SHUT up and get over it. You knew about it before you bought the phone. If you are going to sit there for a couple of hours on the internet plug it in or get a computer. If you want a phone with better battery life get a flip style that doesn’t have internet, email, apps, Google maps or anything else that makes the Droid a cool phone. I’ve had mine for about a month and have had zero problems.

  127. I work at Verizon and reading these posts cracks me up. For all of u that think that Verizon can fix manufacturers issues, u are mistaken. The eris is awesome and a lot of issues u may be experiencing are more than likely something u can fix on your own by playing around with ur phone. And please do customer service a favor and don’t change a setting without knowing what setting u changed bce we are not mind readers. We can’t fix everything. The eris is a smartphone and it is pretty much expected to charge ur phone every day to two days. If ur having extreme issues try removing applications in attempts to locate what application is causing the issue. If ur still having extreme battery issues then is time to see about a clnr (replacement). Also, reading forums and posts will help as well. For instance, I now know I have been killing my alarm app which is why my alarm wouldn’t go off every day. It’s all about common sense. I love my Eris

  128. I have had to wipe my phone 3 times in six weeks and my sd card twice in one week. this last time i couldn’t even start the phone for a week. verizon store says they won’t replace phone because of a bad app i downloaded. they are not responsible for that… can’t narrow down the app since i have a lot. unbelievable! that is what makes the phone so cool! cool apps!!!! otherwise it is just a phone…. lame.. when phone works five thousand stars, when it doesn’t negative five thousand stars… if they are going to offer apps they should be gauranteed to work and not shut down my phone… hmmm maybe apple is not so bad after all… best of both worlds, iphone apps verizon network…

  129. I got my eris yesterday – noticed the battery was draining pretty quick. I turned my phone back on after work today I found that the battery was drained. So I went home, recharged my phone, got online and it took me about 2 minutes to find what was wrong, found that the native SMS message is screwed up and drains the battery, installed another one from the app store (free HandcentSMS), deleted the native one and now no more battery problems. Do a web search for “HTC Eris Droid Battery life” and there are about 5 webpages with instructions to fix the issue and save yourself a trip to Verizon

  130. HTC Sence force closes when trying to remove HTC Messaging Widget, therefore unable to remove widget without wiping out all home page settings (clearing HTC Sense Data (at least that is a reported fix to same problem on HTC Hero))

  131. I’m enjoying the phone. BUT, the battery life is terrible. I shouldn’t have to turn any and every application just so that my phone will stay on for more than 6 hours. Please do something about the battery life!

  132. Just opened up and activated my Eris Driod. Was very excited about this new COOL phone, UNTIL I tried to make a call with my bluetooth! After going batty I went to the Authorized Verizon store and they tried and tried with several different Bluetooth devices with no luck, until another employee told them it did not have voice dial capabilities. NOT EVEN THE MANAGER OF THE STORE KNEW THAT THE ERIS DID NOT HAVE VOICE DIAL CAPABILITIES!

    Really? Are you kidding me!!!! I couldn’t believe them and called Verizon. It took the gal a while to look it up but, it is true! This cutting edge technology phone does NOT have voice dialing. No please correct me if I am wrong, but the Verizon ad. for the Eris Droid clearly states that this is a HANDS FREE device, and that means that it has voice dialing. Isn’t that what “hands free” means–For instance–that you can drive without having to touch your phone to make a call?????

    I find this completely unacceptable and I think anyone who lives in a state where using your cell while driving will cost you a hefty fine, or for those of us who need voice dialing–AKA HANDS FREE phone, the Eris Droid unfortunately, as high tech as it is, is very archaic and NOT the phone for you!

  133. Battery life sucks! Other than that, I like the phone. Also, can someone develop a Facebook app just like on the iphone to provide chat capability?

  134. I love my Eris. Only one issue-my alarm function will only vibrate. If not on vibrate mode, it will silently light the phone up as the alarm goes off. Right now, I am using my old Storm as an alarm clock. Any thoughts? Phone is not in silent mode, all settings for ringer/media etc are set to loud.

  135. I had a problem getting the keyboard to come up when I clicked on a form on my online classroom. Does anyone know how to make the keyboard come up? So far this is the ONLY issue I’ve had with my Eris. I love it!

  136. @wit:

    It has voice dialer. Go into the list of programs, down at the bottom there’s a button called Voice Dialer.

  137. I have an android eris and my eris keeps going to landscape mode while phone is upright and it won’t switch back any ideas on this i have the current software..

  138. Ive had my eris for over a month now. It works pretty good for the most part. Ive had very few problems until recently. Lately the phone seems to be shutting down on its own, either that or crashing. But ill pull it out of my pocket and I lont be able to get it to wake up. The screen will just stay black. This is the reason I feel its just shutting down on its own. Ultimately I have to pull the battery and put it back, and then it seems to work fine. This problem has only been happening for a couple days. Could be an app I guess….

  139. dlew said

    “can someone develop a Facebook app just like on the iphone to provide chat capability?

    There is a good IM app out there called ebuddy. It can be found on the android market, just search for it. Its worked great for me. Got AIM, MSN, Yahoo, myspace, and Facebook IM on it. You just type in your facebook pass and username/email add on it and it will load your facebook IM.

  140. Driod Eris,
    The cons: Battery issue, copy and paste issue, talk while surfing web issue, Bluetooth file beaming.

    Battery: Normally since I got the phone end of December 2009 it discharges acceptably – aka I can use it most of the day off and on with 1 charge. I noticed 2 days so far that heavily used the battery with notable temp increase with little to no phone usage. I am still trying to figure out what has caused this on my phone.

    Copy and paste: I have a long signature line in my e-mails. It’s to long to try to type in. When I try to copy it from a Word document and paste it to my signature I get a string of numbers approximately 10 digits long. When I try to copy and paste from text within an e-mail nothing pastes into the signature line. This is an operating system issue that needs correcting.

    TV has shown the issue, but disbelieving this I decided to try using the internet since it would be needed to display satellite images on Google maps when communicating with family members who show up on the map (very cool feature). Sure enough the AT&T commercial was correct in that to surf the web while talking on the phone you will need two separate droids one doing each function.

    File transfer from one Eris to another: We have 3 droid Eris phones. Transferring files between them is needed as we use PDF files. Currently this feature is not possible with the phone. Neither Bluetooth beaming (techno for using Bluetooth to transfer a file) nor the wireless radio feature will let you set up a communication link between the phones to transfer a file.

    Now for some pros:

    Facebook link to contacts: This pulled birthday information as well as current profile pictures from Facebook and all I had to do was click the person’s name. I have not tried to upload a picture yet.

    E-mail: If you are in an e-mail you can click on addresses and Google maps will open and show a satellite image of that location. Very nice!

    Voice search: If you use this Google will list the business you are looking for. If you press their number in the googled search the phone will dial it. Back ground noise can make the search not work. Then you’d have to type the name you are looking for.

    There are other pros but you should know them by now.

  141. I would like to be able to usb connect my Eris to my Macbook and have a disk icon show up, without having to download any special apps to make this happen. I would like to be able to connect my Eris via bluetooth to my mac like I can with my ancient cell phones, but NO, it will pair but not connect. I would LOVE to be able to use my Eris droid as a “hands free” device with my bluetooth headset as it is advertised…but NO, I need to use my hands to make a call…unlike my 6 year old cell phone where I could just push a button and hear–please say a command. To me this should be a PHONE first and foremost and the Eris Droid FAILS in this category! Young people and teenagers LOVE this phone so much because they are not yet in the real world where certain BASIC technologies are a necessity…fun and games are great but come on, how bout some basic phone functions that ALL of my previous phones had. Let’s start with Bluetooth voice dialing!

  142. Use the voice dialing app

  143. my alarm clock doesnt ring anymore ):

  144. I got the HTC hero a couple weeks ago and was pretty happy with it. I had an LG rumor (sprintpcs). The rumor is garbage and so is sprint services. Anyway i wanted to comment on a couple issiues with the hero. Phone crashed several times and I lost all my settings, also Sprint has. Horrible customer service and reps are not trained to deal with issiues concerning the hero. Bluetooth file sharing is also nonexistant..

  145. Okay,so I loved the Eris when I got it.I don’t have a problem really with the battery life considering that I charge it in the car while I drive and I charge it again before I sleep.I’ve had a couple occasions when the lock screen freezes and literally locks.As much as I try to run my finger across the screen,press menu or what not,there’s no movement,no vibration.I’m unable to turn the phone off either.I have yet to go to the store about this,but it’s probably the ONLY thing that I hate because I was receiving a very important phone call and I had no way to answer it because the lock screen wouldn’t unlock…

  146. I really like my Eris, however, in California it is a law that you can’t hold your cellphone while driving a car. I don’t have voice dial capabilities. I hope this will be corrected in the immediate future as the fine in California is very stiff. Secondly, I like to use the vibrate mode but I can hardly feel it when the phone is in my pocket. Hope this to will be fixed.

  147. I really like the eris, the ota update fixed the screen lock, the screen wouldn’t unlock sometimes – you had to remove the battery to reset the phone, but now if the power (red) button is pressed and the “menu” button touched the phone either calls or txt’s the last person in your call log (depending if you called or txt that person)…this happens without you knowing it, friends and family calling me back thinking something is wrong…very frustrating!!!!

    your supposed to press the power button and then slide the unlock bar down to access the touch screen.

    anyone else have this issue, is there a fix for this?

  148. I have problems deleting large threads… it just sits thier for a ridiculous amount of time… I mean for a smart phone you’d think it could find an affective way to delete messages. Even 100 or so txt is a proble for this phone, which isnt even one of my big threads. After awhile it will just freeze up and I have to re-boot the phone. I love this phone but this is the only problem I have had with it

  149. I purchased a Droid and have had no problems, but my husband got the eris, and outside of the battery issue mentioned above, he is having issues with opening up text messages that have a picture and audio or video. He has the option to open the picture or the audio but cant see/listen at the same time.

  150. I hate how us droid eris owners have no freaking idea when the update to 2.0 or higher is…

    That’s my biggest issue…I was told when I bought the phone in november that I would have the update with google maps navigation by Jan 2010.

    When in the hell is it coming already????

  151. Does anyone know how i can access my yahoo mail on the htc droid. I just got it yesterday and i thought it would be nice not having to travel to the libary for internet, but i am still here because i cant access yahoo on it. any idea’s ?

  152. After the update… my YouTube app was not wrking riht. it seemed to happen after the update though and i only had this phone for 3 days

  153. I have no problems at all like others have experienced. The battery, though short life, still last longer then my Blackberry Storm II. But what do you expect, your powering a whole screen!

    Hands down, the HTC Eris is by far the best touch screen. Now if they would make Maden to play on it!

  154. Were the hell is my update.

  155. The bluetooth feature on the eris indicates a successful pairing. After placing a call from the Jaguar S-Type, the person answering cannot hear voice, only static. In the car, I hear them fine. What’s the fix?

  156. how do you get your bluetooth to work on your eris droid and when in the hell are we getting the 2.0 up date. i’m tired of all the lies verizon/google has been telling people about the eris is getting the 2.0 and is going to be like the droid phone. i think it a bunch of b/s. lets get it done.and be acting brand new.

  157. Only problem if have is my HTC Droid seems to have duplicated all of my contacts 3x over now.

  158. I have just contacted HTC personally asking about the update, and they told me it should be sent out in late february. But dont hold your breath, as people said earlier in the forum, they have told us numerous dates and continue to push it back.

  159. They need to implement a character ‘count down’ for txt msgs or atleast something that splits txt over 160 characters into X amount of msgs so the full msg will get sent.

  160. well, I have the Eris also. The phone was on my counter charging and last night, the started calling people on it’s own. My friend received 10 phone calls between the hours of 3:30 to 6:30. Not only her, but her husband, her home phone and her daughter. My phone also sent 3 text messages. Neighbor came over in the middle of the night with a flashlight,checked around, looking in my windows to see if I was in trouble. My husband shut my phone off so it would stop calling people. I took it to Verizon today and they updated the software. They said it should not happen again, but I will wait and see.

    Software updates are available now.

  161. Yahoo mail will work with the Eris…but yahoo wants you to pay $20 a year for mail plus…but you can trick it. You have to disable your WiFi to set it up and when you use it…will only work over 3G. and it has to be set up as a IMAP email not a POP3. and the ports are different…there is a link up above that walks you through it. I found that and have sent and received from yahoo mail with no problem.

    Also the Advanced Task Killer is bad news. caused alot of bettery life issues with me, and biggest issue was it screwed with my email. I have a att.net account in addition to my yahoo account on my eris. With the ATK installed my att.net would not send any emails from my phone, and i was constantly getting memory full errors and force closes on my email. Uninstalled ATK and has been working great since.

    this phone is great, but just like a computer at home, you cant install every program you find for it and not expect problems. You have to tweak it for how you want it and get rid of programs that cause problems…

  162. I downloaded a media alarm, that turns off my pandora and/or music player after a prescribed time, does anyone know how to turn the stock alarm clock ringer back on. Ever since I downloaded the media alarm program I cant get the alarm to play outloud it only lights the phone up and sometimes vibrates.

    I took it to verizon and they said I need to reset my phone to factory settings, and I dont really want to do that in regards to all my downloaded applications!

  163. but you can trick it. You have to disable your WiFi to set it up and when you use it…will only work over 3G. and it has to be set up as a IMAP email not a POP3. and the ports are different…there is a link up above that walks you through it. I found that and have sent and received from yahoo mail with no problem. Also the Advanced Task Killer is bad news. caused alot of bettery life issues with me, and biggest issue was it screwed with my email. I have a att.net account in addition to my yahoo account on my eris. With the ATK installed my att.net would not send any emails from

  164. How do you select different apps to be on your home page?

  165. Ive had my eris for a month and a half now and havent really had problems with it, but last nite my battery died and when i tried charging it it wont charge.
    it’s like dead. wont accept any chrger and nothing has happened to it (like got wet, or dropped it)

    what can i do to solve this prolem????

  166. Love the phone, unless I have to make calls with it. The call quality on both ends is so poor it’s torture trying to talk to anyone. I miss my old flip phone that I could, you know, TALK on. I love the push gmail and web/voice search, etc. Just wish I could make voice calls.

  167. soo i need help…how do i change my text message alert sound??? i try to and it wont let me. helpp!!

  168. We have both had the Droid Eris for about 3 months now and have pretty much had nothing but problems and horrible customer service from Verizon. They have already replaced the phone once for “software issues” and still the problems continue. For the most part we have learned to work around or live with most of the problems. The one problem I cannot live with is the calendar force closing constantly, even when you are not in the app. I have only downloaded 3 apps from the market to make sure that it is not a bad app issue. I can take the battery out and it will correct it for a few hours. I can clear the entire calendar and reload it, that fixes it for a few more hours. I can do a factory data reset, that fixes it for about 24 hours. I need the calendar and I need the phone to work as it claims to and I need to not have to fool with batteries being taken out and phones being set up again every few hours. This is completely ridiculous. The worst part about it is the terrible service we get from Verizon.

  169. Anybody tell me how to fix this simple thing? How do you keep from all of your recent contacts from piling up in ‘no order’ at the top when you need them to stay in ABC order at the bottom! Help! Thanks!

  170. The only thing I have found so far that’s a problem is that when I plug the Eris into my computer to sync, the Eris’ clock changes to an hour ahead. I have to turn it off to fix it. What gives?

  171. We bought 2 of these.. My wife absolutely loves hers but sadly i had to send mine back yesterday.. from day one i had problems with freezing.. I took it to the vz store and they wiped in which took care of it for the most part.. would still freeze from time to time…my biggest problem was the battery.. i ran the app killer constantly and still could never make it through a full day… the final straw was when i put it in airport mode and turned off all connections after an 8 hour shift i only had 19% left in my battery with no usage.. went back to my storm to await the arrival of something with android 2.0 and no keyboard.

  172. i love my eirs, but when i try to change the notification tone, it says that its changed, but when i get a text, it rings as a different tone, i dont know what to do!

  173. COOLKID:D…
    if u click your messages shortcut, and when it shows all the lists of people and theirs texts etc. Press MENU > SETTINGS > SELECT SOUND
    hope this elps

  174. I asked verizon on there customer support site the following concerning the Eris update and here is there place. I can understand being anxious to get the software upgrade for your Droid. My name is Laura, and HTC hasn’t let us know when to expect this yet, and I haven’t heard any rumors about when to expect it but that it’s being worked on. I apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause you.

    Sir, we value your business and regret not having a more favorable response. Thank you for choosing Verizon Wireless. Should you have additional questions or concerns, please reply to this e-mail.


    Verizon Wireless
    Customer Service

    If you have received this e-mail in error or are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately by replying to this e-mail and deleting it and all copies and backups thereof. If you are the intended recipient and are a Verizon Wireless customer, this response is subject to the terms of your Customer Agreement.

    —–Original Message—–

    Sent: Wed Apr 07 00:49:19 PDT 2010

    To: [email protected]


    Subject: Other

    Form Message

    Primary Subject: Other

    Secondary Subject: Other

    Message Body: When am I going to get the android update for my HTC Droid Eris? I’ve been a long time costumer and pay a lot for my services. I would just like to know if and when this is going to happen. Thank you for your time.

  175. My wife is having a number of serious problems with her Droid Eris. The phone is automatically connecting a third party call when she is already on a call. We have spend a huge amount of time with Verizon on the issue and it is still not fixed. They insist it is not their network. The problems goes like this: She is on a call and hears the call waiting beep. She ignores the new call but found out later that the person was connected and could hear everything said by her and the intended caller. This a a rather major invasion of privacy! We have verified this behavior many times now using our verizon phones and land lines. It is happening a high percentage of the time.

    Verizon removed three way calling form her line to help solve the problem, now the symptoms are similar but the third party is fully connected (can be heard) and the original caller is dropped. Not much better!

    The Verizon store blamed it on “bad apps” that she might have downloaded and did a factory re-set. Nothing came back except contacts and caused her hours of work to restore everything. She eliminated apps the store said were problems. It is still happening! Along with lock ups requiring battery pull, and frozen lock screen (self correcting after a few minutes).

    Has any one out there had similar problems? This is her third hand set (3 in the first 30 days) to solve other hardware related problems. Is she just unlucky or are these things just JUNK! (I love my Motorola Droid)

  176. Ok well I love the droid eris its great but I have noticed some problems with the phone. Lately it has been running really slow and I can’t seem to find a way to delete things off home page like weather, calander ex so please help!!!

  177. I have a droid eris- love the features, size and functionality… dont get me wrong. It freezes. The “calling/contact” list is set up stupid (not my main problem)… My MAIN problem is- I charge my phone in ful before going to sleep and when I wake up I have 15% battery left. So 6:00AM I charge it up again before heading to work and by lunch it’s 1/4 battery left. WTH? This is my 3rd eris due to these technicalities and each one have been the same. Either not charging or not holding a charge. I am stuck with this phone for two years and I’m a little disappointed I may be losing important calls. Honestly- I understand smartphones may take up more “juice” but THAT much when i’m not even touching the phone??? Wow Let me know If I made a bad decision before next week I may have to return the whole thing and start my phone search over. Thanks.

  178. I just spoke with Amber who is a tech support supervisor and was completely shut down on this problem (HTC eris 2.1 update). All of the well documented phone problems since the update are now happening to my wifes phone and our business is suffering because of it. How can we be compensated for business and customers already lost by my company due to this problem? When i asked who is responsible for the update coming on to the phone, she blamed HTC. My issue is that we bought our phone from verizon and pay money to verizon so why am i needing to call HTC? They are taking advantage of the convoluted mess of having three companies involved being google, HTC and Verizon. Getting the same useless phone as a replacement is not the answer to our problems as we continually lose money with our phone based business. My wife and I were both very happy customers at Verizon until this update and the response. We had a fair proposal that would make the situation right which Verizon will not agree to. Amber compared it to buying a tv at walmart and that any problems with the item must be taken up with the manufacturer outside of the warranty. I say that is apples and oranges since a phone is made up of the hardware, software and service and much different than a TV. It’s like the cable company(verizon) selling you a tv then zapping it with something that breaks it. Please fix this VERIZON or you will hear from a lawyer soon and lose many customers!

  179. I think HTC sucks and Verizon sucks almost as bad. I bought my droid b/c of how it worked. Now I can only receive pic messages as annoying slide shows. This is bullshit. Annoying workarounds are distracting and retarded. Verizon should trade unhappy customers for comparable phones that don’t have the issues that they have now, that they didn’t have before. Errrrrrrrrrr…you guys suck.

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