
Nude Women Cause HTC Magic Removal From New Zealand? [NSFW]


(Scroll down for the pictures!!!)

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It was only last week that Vodafone held a high-priced and celebrity-filled Hotel party to celebrate the launch of the HTC Magic in New Zealand. For some reason, only a week later, all instances of the HTC Magic have not only been yanked from the website but they are nowhere to be found on store shelves either. What did Vodafone New Zealand officials have to say about this? Not much:

The response to calls to Vodafone retailers this morning was that the phone can be bought for $1099, but there are none in stock and it is not clear when it will again become available.

Vodafone spokesman Paul Brislen said that the phone’s sudden absence was due to a “commercial issue that Vodafone is having” but declined to give any details.

“We are working to resolve it,” he said.

The disappearing act was first noted by blogger Ben Gracewood who attended the party, snapped a bunch of pics, posted them on his blog and then received a request from Vodafone to take all his pictures down. Some are suggesting that Vodafone’s use of a naked woman with the Google logo painted on her body for promotional purposes has caused conflict between carrier and Google about the use of their “With Google” branded phone.

Here is that picture:



android-girl-nakedThe story was then picked up by larger outlets like ComputerWorld and New Zealand Herald, the former of which is running with a much more graphic version of the nude/painted and unauthorized Google painted woman – see left.

Gracewood complied with Vodafone’s request but then realized his freedoms and reposted the picture with an apology to his readers, noting his “obligation” to them. Surely he isn’t the only one with pictures from the event… if you’ve got some send them to us! And preferably one where that young lady right there turns around!

The invitation to the event seemed to showboat the line-crossing things one might see my attending:

Vodafone’s invitation to its “Black & White Launch Party” last week reads: “Elephants, snow, oompa loompas and roller girls, Vodafone parties have them all and more. This year it’s time for party goers from outside the walls of Vodafone to experience Black & White Magic.

“Create history with us as we combine the infamous party style of Vodafone with the Magic of a phone even Google have put their [sic] name on.

“Heck, if you ever needed a reason to party this is it, dress in black or dress in white but dress to be seen at the only party this year that will have you struggling to explain the facebook snaps to your granny.”

The spinsters are spinning this as a tech related issue with the phone although we can understand how Google would be protective of this situation – afterall the “With Google” phones have certain rules and stipulations assigned with leveraging the Google brand. If you want to have naked women steampeding around a hotel party – use your own darn brand (and invite us to the party)!

Of course the connection between the party pictures and removal of the phone from Vodafone New Zealand is pure speculation based on the timing of these two things in addition to the alledged take-down request of the pictures.

Thoughts? Or are you still drooling… you pig!


Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. “phone can be bought for $1099” are you sure it wasn’t $199, if not New Zealand currency is horrible

  2. I’m kind of thinking if my phone came with naked women I might actually spend a grand on it =)

  3. actually that would make american currency horrible.

  4. It is $1099, thats the completely unsubsidized, unlocked price, it’d be alot cheaper on a fixed term plan

  5. Mmm, the phone is now on the Vodafone site, and still in a couple of the stores I visited….

    http://www.vodafone.co.nz, under mobiles HTC

  6. New Zealand has a history of over charging for the outright ownership of the phone. I am not surprised that they are charging $1099 for the HTC magic.

  7. Everything is ∞% more expensive in NZ.

  8. uh IDK what the women loook like in new zealand but the “naked” girl who had on bottoms and the fat one in white and black where ugly

  9. Running $1099 NZ currency conversion to US Dollars equals $710 US according to.. http://www.xe.com/ucc/convert.cgi

  10. There is a more front-oriented pic here: http://randominput.com/bodypaint2.jpg

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