
Motorola Ironman Runs Android, Comes Q3


When it rains it pours. We just reported that the Android-based Motorola Calgary was heading to Verizon and now we’ve got wind of another Motorola Android Phone – the MotorolaIronman (via BGR):

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


Whether “Ironman” will stick or is just a codename we don’t know… but it sounds kind of corny, don’t you think? The phone itself looks pretty good and is rumored to be launching by the end of 3rd Quarter 2009 – sweet! What carrier? No clue.

Kind of interesting that when the touchscreen is closed and the keyboard hidden, there don’t seem to be any exterior buttons on the face of the phone. Wondering how that will work out…


Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Motorola Android Phone (Calgary) Headed To Verizon

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  1. That doesn’t look very much like Android…

    I also am sort of “meh” about 4 row keyboards. I want 5 row keyboards. If we’re going to “improve” upon the G1, lets actually make it an improvement, not a downgrade.

  2. Now there’s a keyboard I can get behind, as far as layout and button dimensions (e.g. the ‘bubbly buttons’ I mentioned in the last post) those are awesome. The phone looks a little small though, I don’t know if you’ll be bustin’ out the two-thumb action on this. And as John wrote above, that doesn’t look at all like and Android. Not even a little…

  3. Although it doesn’t look like android, couldn’t it be some sort of interface that Motorola designed, so as to make navigation with this particular phone easier? My guess is that if this is an Android phone, that Motorola just wanted to personalize it a little more, since it is possible to do so and all.

  4. It´s ugly!! Like a Blackberry :(

  5. It looks like the love child of a Blackberry and the Palm Pre. Still, it has everything I’m looking for in a smartphone. If the price is right, and if it’s available up here in Canada, I’ll bite.

  6. Personally, I think if a phone is running Android/a Linux distro, it needs BUTTONS! LOTS of them, for input! I love my G1 and the only possible Android phone I’ve seen that I’d drop my G1 for is the HTC Memphis, which is essentially a Magic/G2 with a slide-out keyboard. I’m sorry, but the Calgary looks a) gross and b) unable to handle Android without more surface buttons than 1. At least a pad gives you some options for input. I wonder how many of my apps would run the same on the Samsung i7500 or the G2, unable to use the screen and a keyboard at the same time. Only time will tell, and I’m inclined to believe that SOME kind of keyboard will be seen as an Android necessity, regardless of surface button management.

  7. I think this totally looks like the Kogan Agora Pro, which almost came out. It sounded really good because it has a full keyboard but BlackBerry style, i.e. very sober and professional (which is *not* the case of the G1 imo).

  8. This seems rather… fake. Yeah, that’s the word, fake!

  9. A lot of news on this phone but can we get a photo with Android running on it instead of Windows Mobile.

  10. Kick a$$ movie!. If you haven’t seen this go and see it!

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