
Android 1.5 (Cupcake) Arrives For Dev Phones


cupcake-robotsEarlier this month Google launched the Early Look Android 1.5 SDK. Today the SDK moves from beta to official release as Android 1.5 SDK release 1 and is now available for download to developers. It probably isn’t drastically different than the Early Look but it DOES mean that it is certifiably stable as witnessed by HTC launching the 1.5 system image available for download and use on Android Dev Phone 1.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

You all know what this means, don’t you? Cupcake arriving on our plates is inching closer and close every single day. Deutsche Telekom, the parent company of T-Mobile USA, released the following statement about T-Mobile G1 software updates on Friday (referring to Cupcake update) saying it will be launched for new and existing G1 owners in the beginning of May:

T-Mobile has released a comprehensive software update that brings its innovative handset into line with the latest Android platform development. It comes with new functions, loads of enhancements, and more improvements to the design of most input screens. From the beginning of May, T‑Mobile will be shipping new handsets with this latest software, and will offer existing T‑Mobile G1 customers the mobile update for download with an automatic installation over the air and free of charge. Alongside its software updates, T-Mobile will be further expanding the Android cell phone portfolio during 2009 to introduce new handsets.

More convenience, more fun

One of the software’s new features is an automatic horizontal or vertical layout for the touch screen display. This allows the T-Mobile G1 to be used in landscape format even if the display is covering the physical keyboard. Another key new feature is the virtual keyboard, which makes it possible to input call numbers or text simply by touching the screen. T-Mobile G1 owners can therefore choose between a virtual or a physical QWERTZ keyboard. And, of course, the touch screen keyboard is available in portrait and landscape format.

The software update now allows film fans to use the 3.2 megapixel camera on the T‑Mobile G1 handset to film videos. A playback function gives their creativity an added boost. The highlight: films can be uploaded straight to YouTube™ and shown not only to friends and acquaintances, but to anyone visiting the popular website worldwide. Another advantage is that users can now upload photos shot with the T-Mobile G1 straight to their personal Picasa Web Album™. On the audio side, the Android developers have upgraded the Bluetooth interface. With the new software installed, the T-Mobile G1 handset can be synchronized via Bluetooth with in-car units and stereo headsets (support for the A2DP and AVRCP profile).

Beside these features, the software update enhances the design of numerous user interfaces and offers new widgets, e.g. for the calendar and the music player. Other improvements include the zoom functions, the e-mail client and the web browser.

Tick. Tick. Tick. We want cupcake.
Tock. Tock. Tock. Beginning of May.
Tick. Tock. Tick. This is dumb what am I even doing?

[Thanks  Ted!]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. WTH!!… I sent you a link to that freakin website ( and I dont even get a thanks!… you people sure know how to piss off a guy!…

  2. @Ted – it wasn’t intentional. I was juggling “tips” about all the HTC Magic launches in all these different countries and slipped up. I’m happy to correct errors when I make them but I wish you would give me the benefit the doubt and assume it was a mistake instead of purposeful omission. Check the bottom of the article now and let me know if you want you “thank you” line changed or a link added for you!

  3. This is great news!

    Also, as a side note, Rob will be the first to give credit when credit is due, and if he didn’t, it was simply a mistake.

    Also a side note, phandroid and sometimes tmonews is the only site I check now for Android news. Dunno why that’s important haha.

    But more importantly, yay cupcake! But will it really be early May? MAYbe. Hopefully. Bring on the widgets!

  4. Ugh… sorry… I guess I wasn’t in a good mood… sorry about that Rob… Sorry again… :(

  5. @Ted – not a big deal buddy. Apologies for missing the initial credit. Just glad we could clear that up and get on the same page :)

    I agree Phil, widgets FTW!

  6. I seriously hope that this information is true about cupcake coming it early may they did say that we were supposed to get it sometime in april but it is april 27th so obviously we are not getting it this month who knows maybe we will get it in may.

  7. Question.
    I have a dev phone but I am on AT&T instead of TMobile. Should I try to get the update now or wait ’til mid May? Also, will I be able to get the update on my phone without being on TMobile’s network?

  8. I’m on AT&T as well, and just finished updating my phone. You do NOT need to be on T-Mobile to get the update, since the dev phones don’t update over the air. You’ll have to flash it yourself.

    Thankfully HTC provides the files you need to flash, minus adb.exe. You can get that from the android SDK though.

  9. Finally the G1 will be getting the Cupcake! Well let’s not get too happy until we see it! Another thing to show that the G1 is superior to the iPhone.

    So will it just appear as an update on our phones? In the status bar? On any particular day?

    It sounds good but I think the on screen keyboard is unnecessary. It’s like google telling us they made a mistake with our pull-out keyboard, which I like. But I do hope we get this update in early May.

  10. i dont think they’re necessarily telling us that they made a mistake with the pull-out keyboard, but rather they show that they listen to the masses. i really like the physical keyboard (like many others), but i do think that an on screen is a good addition.

  11. WOW check out this HUGE Cupcake delivered to Google HQ:

  12. I have updated my T-Mobile G1 with the 1.5 Firmware and new radio and it runs great, very stable. It fixes alot of issues I had with the phone like, unstable battery charging and auto rotate. And of course the on screen keyboard works great, but I also like the layout and menu changes.

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